He kissed Jonah, because it would be a crime to let lips like that go unkissed when they were right there and Jonah so clearly wanted it too. And the earlier taste of Jonah’s mouth had only whet Felix’s appetite.
Jonah made a soft sound and kissed him back, eyelids fluttering shut.
For a while it was slow as they explored each other’s mouths. Felix learned that Jonah liked it when he nibbled on his lower lip and that he made the hottest sounds when Felix tugged at his hair a little and he filed that info away for the future.
But when Felix’s lips tingled from the soft abrasion of Jonah’s stubble and Jonah clutched at his back, Felix eased away, shifting off Jonah to kneel beside him.
“What are you doing?” Jonah looked dazed as he stared up at him. “Are … is everything okay?”
“It’s okay,” Felix assured him. “Just want to try something. Sit up.”
Jonah did it but he still looked a little bewildered.
Felix smiled.
Jonah truly had no game whatsoever, did he? Or was he only this uncertain with Felix?
The thought made Felix hesitate a little but Jonah was clearly turned on so Felix shifted to lean against the headboard.
“Sit here,” he said, patting the space between his thighs.
Jonah looked surprised but he obliged, and Felix gripped Jonah’s hips lightly, encouraging him to slide into the vee of Felix’s legs and lean back against his chest.
“What are you—”
“Shh.” Felix ran his fingers down Jonah’s arm. “Do you trust me?”
Jonah sputtered. “Of course I do—I just—”
His words cut off abruptly when Felix settled a hand on his thigh.
“I have an idea.” Felix pressed his lips to the side of Jonah’s neck, letting the touch linger a moment. “Can I try something?”
“I … yeah. Whatever you want.”
Felix lifted his eyebrows. Well, that was a dangerous statement. Felix’s head was so full of ideas of what he could do, it was almost overwhelming. But he’d been thinking about this all morning.
“Pull up the porn again,” Felix coaxed.
“You really do want to watch gay porn with me?” Jonah sounded incredulous.
Felix shook his head and kissed Jonah’s neck again. He really was very dense sometimes. “Just … go along with me for a few minutes, okay? If you’re not into it, we can stop but I really want to try something.”
“Okayyy.” Jonah sounded doubtful but he reached for the tablet and pulled it up, hitting Play. “Like that?”
Felix tugged at the waistband of Jonah’s sweats. “Pull these down so you can get your cock out.”
Jonah’s gulp was audible.
He fumbled it a bit and Felix had to take the tablet away so Jonah could get the fabric pushed down, and then his cock was out.
Felix stared, licking his lips.
He’d always thought dicks were kind of funny looking but he liked the look of Jonah’s, the thick shaft and the flared head and the reddish-brown color of it.
“Watch this and stroke yourself,” Felix instructed as he propped the tablet on Jonah’s thigh.