Page 20 of A Surprise For Sage

“A hot spicy one to grow hair on your chest too.”

“No woman likes a hairy chest,” he said. “Even I know that.”

“You’d be right, but a man that waxes or shaves is too high maintenance for me.” She put the palm of her hand to her forehead. “Did I insult you? Do you wax or shave?”

It was the humor in her eyes that had him laughing. “I guess you’ll just have to wait to find out if you’re all that interested.”

She hummed low in her throat. “You know, Knox. Aside from looks that are different, even your personality is too.”

“I grew up,” he said. “And realized that I don’t care all that much what other people think about me.”

Her smile dropped and he wasn’t sure why. “I’m getting there,” she said. “Just like you were a late bloomer with physical growth, maybe I’m that way in this.”

He felt bad that their playful interaction seemed to have taken a turn and he’d do anything to get it back.

“Let’s get that pizza then. I’ll get my meat one and you can get whatever you want.”

“Maybe I want the same as you,” she said.

He wondered if there was a double meaning there, but he was clueless enough to let it drop for now.

They climbed into their vehicles and drove to get their pizza. This was when he wished they were in the same car so they could talk.

When he pulled next to her, she was the first to say, “This was stupid meeting there. I should have said yes when you offered to pick me up.”

“Why did you say no? It’s not like I don’t know where you live.”

“No clue,” she said. “I won’t say no next time.”

Which told him things were back on track.

They got seats in the back, ordered their pizza and a beer again.

“Do you always drink beer or are you a wine drinker too?”

“I’ll drink just about anything. I don’t care. I’m not that fussy.” Her hand went to her mouth again with a laugh escaping. “That came out totally wrong. I’m not a lush.”

“I never thought you were,” he said.

“We’ve all had our moments. Or I did in college. The truth is, I’m adaptable. I think I try to fit into my surroundings. One of those things I learned in my last job.”

“Don’t worry about me. Drink and eat what you want.”

“I am,” she said. “It’s an Italian restaurant. Trust me when I tell you the wine here isn’t that great. I think it might come out of a box.”

“You could be onto something. Beer is a safer bet.”

“And they don’t cater toward fun fruit drinks. I do like them too, but man they hit me the next day if I have more than two. That’s for girls’ night fun.”

“Do you get silly when you’re with the girls?”

“Depends on the girls I’m with,” she said. “The friends I have now and here are more real to me than anyone else I’ve had in the past. Other than Kate, but I don’t see her much anymore.”

“Kate, your brother’s best friend? You hung out with her outside of family things?”

He was surprised men weren’t crawling all over the two of them. Though Sage wasn’t a model she was still stunning to him.

“I did,” she said. “When she was in town and didn’t have anything else planned. But we didn’t have the same tastes in the type of bars to hang out. We had more fun just chilling at one of our places.”