Page 19 of A Surprise For Sage

“It looks as if you love your job.”

“So much,” she said. “Crazy to say that so early into it, but I really do. It’s challenging, exciting and fun at the same time. Not sure how they manage it, but it’s like going into a party daily at the same time as work.”

“With no alcohol though,” he said, laughing.

“Nope, but lots of chocolate.”

“Did they eat all your cookies?” he asked. “I would have if I had more.”

“I should have given you some to take. I’ll make more another time.”

“I’ll take them too,” he said.

They gave their names and were told the room would be ready in a few minutes so they moved off to the side to wait.

When Sage’s name was called they went with the guide. No, master gamer, he was called.

The instructions were given and they were told they could call on the master gamer at any point if they needed hints.

Knox hoped they didn’t need him or there weren’t too many people watching if he couldn’t figure something out. He thought he was a pretty smart guy when it came to putting things together.

“Are you ready for this?” she asked.

“I am,” he said.

The door shut, the timer went off and they read their first clue. It took them at least five minutes, maybe longer to figure it out, but then they quickly got the hang of it.

Or just when he thought he was okay, the lights went out and something brushed his arm. He let out a scream, followed by Sage’s.

When the lights came back on, she was plastered against his side, but nothing else was anywhere for him to know what touched him.

“What was that?” she asked.

“I don’t know. Maybe it was you touching me that made me scream.”

“No,” she said. “I jumped when you screamed.”

Yep, his manhood was shrinking even when it wanted to grow with her body pressed up against him.

“We are on the clock,” he said.

“Yeah. Let’s hope you don’t lose your voice screaming like that.”

She laughed and all he could do was laugh with her.

“I admit it,” he said. “I suck at these things.”

They’d spent their hour in there and at one point he thought he was going to piss his pants when an arm came out of a hole in the wall and grabbed him. It was a real arm too.

He hadn’t signed up for that and just about came out swinging after he screamed like a wuss.

“You did great,” she said, bumping into him. “Once you realized it was fake. I think the object of it was to make us not be able to think and figure out the clues.”

“Or to get me to wet myself,” he said. “I know they knew what made me jump.”

She giggled some more. “You do have a short trigger,” she said. “Good thing that was the entry level room.”

“Very funny,” he said. Even if she was right. “I’m starving now. I could go for a big masculine meat-filled pizza.”