Page 21 of A Surprise For Sage

He wasn’t sure what was so funny when she said that and he just shrugged.

Their pizza came out fast and they both dove right in.

Two pieces in each and she was groaning at the same time she was laughing as she gave a play by play of their time in the escape room.

After two hours of taking up space in the restaurant and getting looks from the staff that they should take their leave, he conceded it was time to go.

They’d even prolonged it by ordering dessert, but that had been over thirty minutes ago.

When the bill came, he added a hefty tip for the time they’d lingered. It was the least he could do.

“I suppose our night is at the end,” he said.

It was close to eight thirty at this point. Still early, but unless she invited him back to her place, they’d be on their way.

“It looks it,” she said.

Guess there was no invite.

“Do I get to see you again?” he asked. “I know you said earlier that you had to ask me out since you missed the chance twenty years ago. Now it’s my turn.”

She reached up and pulled his head down to hers. They were in the parking lot and she was making the first move for a kiss again.

He was rustier than he thought.

Or just unsure of himself because it was Sage.

He was going to keep it simple, but she nudged his mouth open, her tongue sliding in, the taste of the strawberry shortcake on her tongue mixing with his chocolate cake.

“Is that answer enough?” she asked, then left him standing there once again without making a follow up date.

He supposed it’d be up to him to text tomorrow like she had this morning.

He liked the game they were playing.



“Ineed to know how it went,” Poppy said, running into her office on Monday morning and shutting the door. “All the details.”

Sage looked up, expecting this reaction. She wanted to tease her boss. “You mean from Friday night? Or from Saturday?”

“You had two dates?” Poppy asked, doing a fist pump.

“Yes, ma’am. Thank you for the push.”

Poppy did an exaggerated bow. “You are most certainly welcome. I’m good at giving pushes. Ask Ivy. She’s thanking me nonstop now.”

She’d heard how Ivy and Brooks had met when there was a break-in at her place the night Heather and Luke had gotten engaged and that Ivy needed a little boost to seek the older man out.

Not really that old, but nine years older than Ivy and in his late thirties.

“She should be. She’s super happy with her life right now.”

“And we are going to get you there too,” Poppy said.

“I’m very happy with my life,” she said, putting a forced smile on her face.