Chapter 15

Lucifer’s POV

This can’t be real?

I looked over at Gabriel and saw him staring at me.

“I am sorry about your friend and her beginning into this world, that woman,” Clotho shook her head.

“She is heinous.”

But what does this mean for Catalina and I?

Catalina. She was the daughter of Cain, the eternal wanderer. Cursed to spend eternity always moving, never settling in one place. He had always been a great ally, granted he was one of the only beings I could ever talk to considering everyone else was locked away and forbidden to find me. He was as close to what I considered a friend to be. And we just learned that he had a daughter, and I was in love with his daughter. And what that woman had said,

The King will come for you.

Long live the Queen.

She was right, In a twisted way I had come for Catalina.

“Catalina is Cain’s daughter?” Gabriel shook his head as the question escaped him.

Clotho nodded her head,

“It would seem so,” a smile tugged at her lips,

“He always seemed like he would make a good girl dad to me.”

“What does this mean for Lucifer and Catalina then?” Gabriel asked, his voice sounding gruff as if he was holding himself back.

“Only your friend and Lucifer can answer that question.”

I couldn’t deny that in these past few months, I had found myself wanting to get closer to her. I enjoyed our training sessions, actually I found myself excited about them and excited to see her. I enjoyed having her company around the house and that night at the bar? When I had gotten so angry at the thought of someone hurting her or even touching her and when that guy kissed her. I saw red. I was angry and pissed because she was-

She was mine.

“Now while it has been a pleasure seeing you two again, we must go. Apparently someone,” Clotho glanced at Lachesis,

“Left the stove on at home.” Clotho returned her gaze to us,

“I hope to see you both again soon.”

Within seconds the sisters were gone and Gabriel and I were alone. His eyes were hard as he remained staring at the spot where The Fates had once stood. He was pissed.

“Did you know about the fire?” I asked him, unable to stop myself

“No, No I didn’t.”

I didn’t expect him to. If the fire had happened to her as a babe I doubt she even remembered it. A few moments of silence passed, and the look of anger never left Gabriel’s eyes.

“Stay away from her,” Gabriel whispered out,

“No.” I turned to face him to find his fists curled at his side, his face contorted with rage.

“Do you expect me to stand here and believe that you have some feelings for her? That you care about her?!”