“I will not insult you by lying and saying that I don’t have feelings for her because I do Gabriel and maybe I had them for a while but I had dismissed them, but after last night, when that piece of shit had his hands on her,”

She was mine. I should have known when I was overcome with rage when she told me about her therapist. I should have known when I found myself wanting to comfort her and be around her but last night was when it clicked into place for me when I finally acknowledged what I already knew to be true. The vision just confirmed what I already knew I felt.

“I know that she is your friend Gabriel but I will not hide what I feel for her,”

“I don’t give a shit what you feel for her! You are staying far away from her.”

Over my dead fucking body.

“That is not your decision to make.”

Gabriel walked up to me, his face mere inches from mine, his rage pouring over him, consuming him.

“You will put her in danger so stay the fuck away from her.”

“I would never harm her! And perhaps we should let Catalina decide that.”

“Maybe you should just leave.”

Not a chance.

“She has a choice in this Gabriel and you cannot make this decision for-”

“WHAT DECISION!” Gabriel erupted.

“Do you honestly believe she reciprocates any feelings towards you?”

I had hoped so. She never said outright what her feelings were but then again neither had I. It was in her eyes though, when she tended to my hands after beating up her therapist, When she had been so worried about me getting hurt or in trouble. The way she opened up and talked to me as if she trusted me. Whether Gabriel liked it or not I cared for Catalina and I hoped she cared for me as well.

“I don’t know but perhaps if I tell her then she-”

“You will do no such thing.” Gabriel hissed.

“You do not get to tell me when I can and cannot express how I feel towards her.”

That wasn’t his call.

“No Lucifer I can’t but I can make sure you don’t have a chance to say it.”

What the hell is he talking about?

“When we get back, pack your shit and get the fuck out of my house.”

* * *

Catalina’s POV

I swear if I see one more Kardashian ad on this screen I will lose my ever-loving mind.

I tossed the remote aside on the little end table as I heard the front door unlock and slam shut.

Oh shit, they’re back!

I opened the door to my room and raced into the living room. Gabriel and Lucifer were both standing there with pained looks of anger on their faces.

What the hell happened?

“What’s going on?” I asked as I glanced between the two of them.