“She’s going to be okay.”

“We don’t know that.” The man snapped back at her,

The woman nodded back,

“I have seen her future, Cain. She will be alright, trust me you will see her again, you just have to be patient.”

They went silent for a moment as they both gazed at the smiling babe, the man cracked a small smile back at her.

“Promise me,” He whispered,

“Promise me she will be alright.”

The woman nodded,

“I promise.”

The man nodded as he glanced back at the house and slowly began to walk towards it. His grasp tightened around the small bundle in his arms as they got closer and closer. Gently he laid the babe back on the table planting a gentle kiss to the top of her head.

“I love you, my sweet girl. I have from the moment I found out about you and I will love you until the end of days,”

The man brushed his hand against the babe’s cheek, tears filling his eyes,

“ I will see you again and I hope you will be able to forgive me for this, for leaving you with her. Stay strong my sweet girl and I will find you again and I promise I will make this up to you. I swear it.” The man brushed a gentle kiss on the baby’s forehead,

“I love you, Catalina.” He rose, wiping a tear that had escaped his eyes, looking back at the woman who was with him and pulling her into a quick embrace before rushing out the door.

The woman approached the small child, smiling as she tucked a blanket around her,

“Stay strong, your Majesty and the King will come for you and you will bring us home.” The woman placed a small kiss on the baby’s cheek,

“Long live the Queen,” she whispered before slowly fading into the dark.

* * *

The vision shifted once again, the once small babe was now a few years old. The small girl sat beside the woman who was her mother as they looked over a rather large leather-bound book. Slowly the woman turned to face the small child,

“Would you like to be good like the girls and boys in these stories?”

The small girl glanced at the woman,

“I thought I was good Mommy?”

The woman shook her head,

“No, you are not good but we can fix you.”

The little girl bowed her head as she stared at her book, as the woman reached out her hand,

“Come with me.”

“Where are we going, mommy?”

The woman smiled,

“To fix you.”

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