* * *

“Catalina, it’s time to wake up,” Gabriel said. His voice is more gentle. He didn’t know that I’d been awake the entire night. After the bar, where I had more than one drink, I came home and locked myself in my room. I didn’t know what Gabriel thought of this but honestly, I didn’t care. I glanced at the clock on my phone.

9:00 AM.

“Catalina open the door please.”

He wasn’t going to give up until I opened the door. I shut my eyes and breathed in for a minute.

I can do this.

I opened my eyes and made my way towards the door. Gently unlocking it and slowly opening the door, careful to make sure he didn’t see in.

“Finally I was starting to worry-” He cut himself off as he took in the room behind me. The shards of glass decorating the dark hardwood floor, The white wooden desk, completely in splinters on the ground, parts from the wood from the desk lodged in the wall at the posters. His gaze shifts over to the bed and his gaze widens as he spots the five empty liquor bottles I had taken from the bar.

“What the fuck happened in here?” I shrugged my shoulders as I glanced at the floor,

“I got a little out of hand I guess.”

Gabriel’s eyes widened,

“A little out of hand? How did-” His voice stopped and I found the strength to look up at him and see his eyes staring at my hands. Staring at the cuts and bruises.

“When did you get those?”

“I’ve always had them,” I answered hoping he believed the lie.

“Bullshit those are fresh cuts,”

I glanced back down at the floor.

“Catalina, what happened?”

I couldn’t tell him. I couldn’t. He was only trying to help and if I told him what happened he’d only blame himself.

“I know that look, Catalina, You’re trying to think of a lie and please do not lie to me, if you hurt yourself-”

“I didn’t make these cuts.” I shook my head and glanced up at Gabriel

“The therapist did,”

In seconds Gabriel’s eyes widened from shock to pure anger.

Gabriel picked me up, carried me over to the bathroom, and gently set me down on the counter,

“What happened?” He asked as he took my hand in his and began to examine the cuts.

“He got a little handsy,” I whispered as Gabriel’s eyes locked on mine, Gabriel was one of the only people who knew how much I hated being touched without permission. Sometimes I was able to control it and sometimes I lashed out, breaking the hand of the person who touched me.

“At first I was just going to leave and not come back but he said if I left he wouldn’t be able to fix me.”

Gabriel’s eyes softened slightly,

“I lost it. I was so angry and I wanted him to hurt.”

The familiar tingle of Gabriel’s healing magic simmered through my hands and I knew if I looked down the cuts would be gone.

“You defended yourself.”