“I’ll tell you what I see.” I tensed as he planted his hands on top of both my shoulders.

“I see a girl so stuck in her head she doesn’t realize what’s good for her and is filled with so much anger that she needs an outlet to release and if she won’t talk.” His hands started to move up and down my arms,

“Maybe there’s another less self-destructive way to get her release.”

His hands reached my shoulders again as he gently pulled the straps of my shirt down and kissed my neck.

Fucking Disgusting Prick!

A familiar warmth filled my veins as his hands reached lower and lower on my arms. I lurched forward and stepped aside. Eager to put some distance between me and this creep.

“I think we’re done here,” I said as I pulled up the straps of my shirt.

“Don’t you want to get better?” He asked as he slowly made his way over to me

“Get the fuck away from me!” I said as I pushed him away, making his back connect with the bookcase behind him and he stumbled, slowly sliding down to the ground. I rushed to get to the door but his words stopped me dead in my tracks,

“If you walk out that door I can’t help you. You’ll continue to be the broken, reckless girl they say you are and you’ll be dead within the year.”

I clutched the handle of the door a little tighter. That familiar warm feeling was still racing through me.

Screw him! Screw him and everyone who thinks I’m broken!

I let go of the handle and slowly turned around. His eyes matched the cold vile smile on his lips

“Very good, now come here and help me up.”

I walked over to his outstretched hand but instead of grabbing his hand, I found my hands wrapping around his pale fat throat. His wrinkled hands try to scratch and claw away at mine but I’ve gripped too tight.

Just a little longer and It’ll all be over

A few more seconds and I could rid the world of this disgusting pig. Just a few more minutes and I could watch as the light from his eyes drifted away.

Just a few more minutes

A knock on his door is what saved his pathetic life.

“Mr Wilson, your lunch is here.” The muffled delicate female voice said and instantly I snapped back to reality.

I let go of his neck and slowly backed away.

I nearly killed him. I almost killed someone!

I rushed over and grabbed my bag and phone before rushing out the door before anyone could see me.

I almost killed a man.

I replayed the thought over and over again in my head as I headed to my car.

I could’ve killed him!

When I finally made it to my car I glanced down at my hands and saw the cuts and scratches lacing my hands, cutting through the dark medusa tattoo on my hand. I stared at them as flashbacks of what just happened replayed in my head again.

I need to get out of here. I need to forget.

I started my car and headed towards Carmen’s.

Just one drink and I’ll be okay. Just one drink.