It wasn’t a question but I nodded anyway

“No one else was hurt?”

I nodded again.

“And the liquor bottles?”

“I needed to clear my head so I went for a drink or two.”

Or eight

“And the destroyed room?”

I glanced back and saw the full expense of what I had done last night. Everything was either destroyed, cut, burned, or torn apart.

“I came home and had the intention of sleeping but every time I closed my eyes I saw him. I saw the office. I swear I could still feel his wrinkly disgusting hands on me.”

Gabriel closed his eyes as he pressed his forehead to mine,

“I’m sorry Gabriel.”

“You have nothing to apologize for.”

Gabriel lifted me off the counter and carried me out to the spare guest bedroom he had and gently laid me down on the bed.

“Get some rest, I’ll have your room taken care of but rest please.” I nodded my head as Gabriel gently pulled the covers back and laid them on top of me.

* * *

He was back. The dark man from my dreams. The dark man stood across from me like he always had. Standing. Waiting. Watching. I took a single step back but he was faster. Within seconds the dark man was in front of me. I could never see his face, no matter how many times I tried pulling the hood down. All I could see was a dark empty void. Slowly a pale hand reached out. The dark man’s hand toyed with the ends of my hair, softly caressing it before he yanked on it, pulling me down on my knees before him. The dark man never spoke and I knew he wouldn’t speak this time either. He just stood there in front of me. Everything was silent for a few moments. Until the screaming started again. Screams of agony, pain, and mercy. I couldn’t see them but I could hear them. Hundreds, maybe thousands of people crying out. The dark man did nothing to help them as he stood there. Glaring down at me. His hand stretched out as if waiting for me to grasp it. I never did. It happened almost every time. He always extended his hand, waiting for me to grasp it, but I never did. I didn’t know why I didn’t except for the feeling that if I did, then bad things would happen. I stared at the dark man as he closed his hand, making a fist. The screams got louder and louder as the dark man knelt before me. I couldn’t see anything, nothing, not even his fist as it connected with my cheek, turning everything into pitch darkness.

* * *


“You’ve got a nice place here.” The guy known as Cory said as he took in everything about Gabriel’s home. I had gone out to just get one drink. One little drink and I would’ve made my way back home. Alone. By myself. Yet Cory would not take the hint at the bar to leave and kept buying me drink after drink after drink. What was supposed to be one drink ended up being six. I was too drunk to drive so Cory offered to drive me home.

“Thanks,” I said as I stumbled over my foot trying to take off my heel.

I should’ve worn my damn sneakers!

“So where’s your room?” Cory asked as he began to pace around the kitchen, looking everywhere at everything. Awe and wonder shone brightly in his eyes.

Did this guy seriously think I was going to sleep with him?

“Why do you want to know?” I tried to put some kind of distance between us and walked over to the fridge. Cory shrugged yet his eyes remained on me, watching every move I made.

“Well, I figured you and I could have a little fun.”

And here we go.

This was the problem with men. They thought just because they bought a girl drinks that it meant they could get lucky. I could never understand that thought process.

Just because you did something nice for someone did not entitle you to their body!

“I’m actually kind of tired but thank you for the drinks and the ride home.” I moved over to the door, holding it open for him. Cory made his way over to the door but moved to stand behind me, reaching over and slamming the door shut, backing me up against the door.

“Come on now, don’t be like that.”