Gabriel’s hard eyes locked on mine,

“She needed someone, so I shifted myself to her age. I became her friend, healed her injuries, and tried my best to keep her safe.”

“She grew up with you?”

“I figured that was the easiest way to remain close to her.”

He was right. Pretending to be a child of her age group was the best way to keep an eye on her. He would be able to notice every little thing, memorize every little detail, and help heal her whenever she needed it.

“When did she find out about what you are?”

Surely she couldn’t have figured it out as a child.

“When she was around ten years old. She got into an accident and I needed to use my wings to shield her.”

That was a Gabriel move.

“Was she afraid?”

Most people typically were. Anytime one of us had been spotted and plastered all over the internet, everything was the same. Some people rejoiced but the majority of others were terrified of the winged beings that roamed the skies.

“No. Once I explained who and what I was, everything was fine. To be honest I don’t think there was much in this world that could frighten her anymore.”

“You care for her greatly brother”.

“She is like a sister to me. I will always care for her.”

I had no doubts in my mind he would. Gabriel would do anything and everything in his power to keep her safe. It didn’t matter what he had to do or who he had to destroy. He had formed a bond with this girl and he was willing to do it all. For her.

“Is that why you’ve been helping her control her fire gifts?”

Gabriel immediately tensed up, his fingers curling at his side, Irritation clear on his face.

“She told you?”

“More like she showed me,” I responded as he walked back over to me.

“What do you want to know?”

“How long have you known about it?” I asked and I could tell by his slightly darkened eyes that he did not want to speak about this.

“I have known since I first met her and I’ve been helping her throughout the years to control it but it has been…difficult.”

He’s hiding something.


“We’re done talking about this Lucifer.”

I nodded my head. I knew when to push and when to back down and this was one of the times to back down.

“Very well, tell me about her family then.”

I had been intrigued since she told me a little information about her childhood. Was her father the same? or was it just her mother who chose to scar her skin? What other punishments was she subjected to?

“She had two brothers but has not spoken to them in months. The oldest one is a very well-known businessman, he has a couple of businesses here and on the West Coast, and the other, the youngest, is a professional dancer, I think he’s in New York now for a show on Broadway. Other than that I don’t know much about them.”

So she is a middle child. Interesting.