“And her father?”

“He’s not a bad guy but the man wasn’t around much and barely paid any attention to her.”

Gabriel was silent for a moment.

“I just never understood how a man can sit by as his child is being hurt and not step in and just leave her in that situation, knowing what her mother was capable of.” Gabriel’s eyes shifted as his face turned into the cold mask I had only ever seen a handful of times. The mask of one of the most powerful Archangels to walk the earth.

“There was no way that man did not see the scars and bruises on her and while Catalina might be more forgiving towards him I certainly am not.”

That makes two of us.

It was unacceptable. A grown man allowing someone else to harm his child. A defenseless child who looked to him and her mother for support, love, and protection and they had failed her.

“And the mother?”

Gabriel’s face contorted with rage,

“Catalina’s mother deserves to rot in the pit and I hope for Catalina’s sake, that her mother dies a slow painful death and knows no peace.”

Well, Shit.

“Catalina was abused by her mother for years and she never knew why but what makes me the most angry is the way her mother always brought up Catalina’s past every chance she got and threw it back in her face.”

“What happened?”

Gabriel looked over and a sense of regret washed over his face,

“Catalina did some very reckless things as a teenager. Hanging out with older guys, sneaking out, drinking. She recognized her mistakes and paid the price for what she did and did her best to make up for those mistakes but her mother never let her forget it. Catalina made mistakes and yes those mistakes were dangerous but she grew up, she learned her lesson but it was never good enough for her mother.”

The rage had appeared back in Gabriel’s face but an instant later it was gone.

“We should head back inside,” Gabriel whispered as he gathered up his things.

“I’ll be right behind you, I just need a minute.” Gabriel nodded as he walked back to the house.

I don’t know why but all the information about Catalina had enraged me.

An abusive mother and an absent father. No wonder the girl is so angry.

I thought back to what Catalina had said last night about the punishments she had endured as a child. Knowing that and learning all about her family and how she was treated, I could feel the anger seeping into me. She was a child! Children made mistakes, it was a part of nature and an important part of growing up. And it seemed that Gabriel was the only one that gave a damn about her.

I need to get out of here just for a moment.

I needed to run, to get away before I did something incredibly stupid. Satisfying but ultimately stupid. I took a single step forward, arching my back as I spread my wings for the first time in days and soared into the sky.

* * *

Gabriel’s POV

“Catalina open the door please.” I knocked on her door for the third time. Hoping this time she would answer.

Please just answer the damn door.

As if she could hear my thoughts, the door slowly opened,

Damn, she looks a mess.

Her hair was a frizzy mess as her long night shirt hung off her left shoulder and of course no damn pants.