“My brother was the same way.”


Lucifer chuckled as he glanced up at the dark sky.

“No not Gabriel, our brother Micheal, he was a bit…temperamental when he didn’t get his way. Eventually, I learned to-”

“Block out the pain.” I finished for him. Lucifer’s eyes caught mine,


We stood in silence for a while. Just glancing at the night sky as the light from the full moon cascaded over us. Gabriel had never really talked about his brothers and to be honest I never really asked about them. I knew some information about them from my time in Catholic school but there were some pieces of information missing from those stories.

“Thanks for the drink, I’ll see you tomorrow.” I opened the sliding glass door and made my way to my room. I don’t know if he ever came inside after me but I felt his gaze on me the entire way to my room.

This is not going to end well.


Chapter 7

Lucifer’s POV

Catalina’s confession last night had kept me up. Her gift of fire didn’t worry me, it was normal for followers of Hecate to have gifts over the elements. What worried me was how I felt when she confessed a small fact about her childhood. It made me angry. The thought of a child being burnt. It was torture. What Catalina had experienced that day was a form of torture. She was six! How long had she had to endure that pain? Why didn’t anyone stop it? What else had she been through? She was a child! A child who had prayed for death. She went nights praying to never wake up in the morning. She was-

Enough of this! Focus on the task at hand.

If I was going to help Catalina, I needed to know everything. Every single little detail no matter how dark. Catalina had gone back to her usual cycle of ignoring me this morning. I knew getting any more information out of her was not exactly feasible, which meant I was stuck with Gabriel. Luckily Gabriel was up to join me for an early morning training session. While my brother had preferred to let his training slip I never did. You never knew who was coming for you, it was best to be prepared at all times. I knew we wouldn’t be interrupted. Catalina was hungover and would most likely sleep until the early afternoon. She had only woken up once and that was to grab yet another drink from the fridge. Gabriel of course was more than happy to join me and after all these years he still had hope that he could beat me. He lost every time. Eventually, he’d get it. We had been at it for a few hours when we decided to call it a day.

“How do you always manage to beat me?” Gabriel asked as he walked over and grabbed a water bottle, chucking one to me. With Gabriel’s property being so large we could train in the backyard and have plenty of privacy.

“Don’t beat yourself up Gabriel, I’ve had more time to train than you have,” Gabriel smirked as he tossed his water bottle to the ground,

“You know one of these days I’ll be able to take you.”

“Spoken like a true younger brother.”

“Yeah well, I should get inside before Catalina wakes up.”

Gabriel said as he began to put his shirt back on.

“Speaking of Catalina,” Gabriel immediately stopped and turned back around to face me,

“How long have you known her for?”

“A few years.”

“And when did you meet her?”

Catalina had spoken as if she had these gifts since a young age and she claimed Gabriel was helping her, so how far back did this friendship go?

“I met her when she was in kindergarten.”

This friendship goes back quite a while then.

“I lived in another state at the time and I was walking down the street and I saw her. She was in a school uniform but she was covered in bruises.” Gabriel’s fist tightened at his sides,

“She was crying, trying to tell her mother that her ponytail was too tight and I watched as her mother smacked her across the face and told her to suck it up. She looked at me, looked me in the eyes and I could see the tears already forming.”