* * *

Catalina’s POV

Gods my head hurts.

I opened my eyes to see my room still shrouded in darkness. Gabriel had closed the curtains this morning when I complained that the sun was making my head spin, But now my head was spinning from all the thoughts running through my head. I tried for hours to try and piece together what happened last night but all I could remember was dancing with some guy when another offered me a drink and like an idiot I took it. I couldn’t remember much after that but I did remember Gabriel coming in, rambling about getting something before leaving. I remembered Lucifer coming in, and finding me in the bathroom. He offered me water and held my hair back when I threw up.

I can’t believe he fucking saw that.

I remembered Lucifer helping me - No, carrying me to my bed and then leaving. Everything else was a blur and frankly, I didn’t know if I even wanted to remember what all happened last night. I turned and got out of the bed. The ground seemed so much farther away than it was but I was able to stand and eventually made my way towards the kitchen. All I needed now was something greasy.

“How are you feeling?” Lucifer’s voice rattled through me as he looked up from his chair by the island.

“I’m fine, thank you.”

He nodded,

“You seem better than you did this morning.”

“I am better.”

“Gabriel left you something in the microwave, and said you might need it when you wake up.”

I turned towards the microwave and found three slices of pizza waiting for me.

Thank you, Gabriel!


“Look about last night-”

“It’s fine, eat your food and I’ll see you later.”

Without another word, Lucifer stood up and walked back toward his room. A horrible pit in my stomach formed watching him walk away. I pushed all thoughts of Lucifer and what happened this morning out of my head and focused on my phone. Nothing. No calls, no texts not even a damn email. Nothing. I had thought all those weeks ago when my mother had shown up that she was here to apologize. She was here to try and mend the rift between us, but like always I was wrong. My mother had always treated me like the odd man out and I guess not having me around anymore would be like a dream come true to her and I suppose it was. She smiled. She smiled when she took that belt to my skin, she laughed when I had fallen to the floor and begged her to stop. She didn’t care. That beating was a celebration for her. The start of a new era. A dream that had finally come true. I expected my mother and father to adapt to the change fairly quickly, we barely spoke and when we did I was lucky if the conversation lasted five minutes, yet I thought my brothers would at least reach out once, but I should have expected this. They always sided with my mother over anything and everything. Telling me I deserved my beatings and that I should just shut up and take them. I hated it. I hated my mother but I wasn’t sure about my brothers. I had hoped that they would change and see how she was. That people who loved their children didn’t treat them like this. But that hope was quickly fading away.

The ding of the microwave saved me from delving deeper into my head, and as I took out the hot plate from the microwave, I glanced around the room.

Empty and alone.

Once again I was all alone.

* * *

Lucifer’s POV

She was alone. I watched as Catalina sat at the kitchen island for over an hour. She did eat, which was a relief but she was silent the entire time. Usually, she would play a video on her phone or watch TV, yet she just sat there. By herself. All Alone. Perhaps she was someone who thrived best in solitude. Her shoulders slumped as she tossed her phone across the island and I took a single step forward,

“Would you like some company?”

“No.” Her voice was tight with anger.

Too bad. I don’t take no for an answer.

I walked over and took the seat across from her,

“I said I don’t want company.”

“You’re upset.”