She smirked,

“Back to stating the obvious, are we?”

“What happened?”


I glared at her,

“You should know better than to lie to the Devil.”

She glanced back at her phone and I watched as she tapped her red polished nails against the marble countertop. Her eyes traced a line on the marble countertop.

“When you fell did you expect any of your family to reach out?”

Interesting question.

“I did for a while.”

A while meaning fifty years.

“Did they?”

I shook my head, acknowledging me, it would’ve been a death sentence for them as well, possibly causing them to be sent into exile like myself.

“Why do you ask?” I asked as I took a piece of garlic bread off her plate,

“I thought they would reach out.”


“My brothers, but they seem to be stuck in their ways.”

Like you are?

“Your family does not speak I presume?”

Catalina nodded her head,

“My mother and I have always had our issues but I thought my brothers would stand by me at least.”

So did I.

“Believe it or not it gets easier.”

She lifted her head, turning those green eyes at me,

“You eventually move on and do whatever you want, don’t get me wrong you’ll still always have that thought in your head about what they are doing, how they are doing, if they miss you,”

She glanced back down at her plate,

“Eventually you learn to tune those thoughts out so that you can learn to focus on-”

“Yourself.” She said as she glanced back up at me,

I smirked back,
