Gabriel walked over to the island, pressing his hands down so tightly on the surface,

“She hates being touched without permission, even if it’s just a simple tap it freaks her out.”


Gabriel sighed as he glanced back toward the hallway where she slept. His eyes locked on the door for just a second. Contemplating whether or not the information should be shared with me.

“Look she can’t know that I told you this, she already hates that I know about it.”

“What happened?”

“It was when she was in middle school, some idiot thought it would be cool to lift her skirt and..touch her.”

The pain in my chest grew.

“She was assaulted.”

Gabriel nodded,

“The guy laughed at her and when she told a teacher they told her she should wear something less..distracting.”

You can’t be fucking serious.

“The guy continued for months, if she wore jeans he’d just grab her ass, and if she wore a dress or skirt well the same thing would happen.”

“And no one said anything? No one stepped in and helped her?”

Gabriel shook his head,

“Eventually she just stopped telling someone and she..let it go on until the end of the school year when she finally moved.”


“She was afraid.”


If there was one thing I knew about Catalina it was that there was very little she was afraid of. Hell, she had gone face to face with me and hadn’t even flinched. Yet this… Boy, this disgusting waste of filth frightened her?

“So he was never dealt with?”

“No, he wasn’t. He got off while Catalina got the trauma.”


“Look, she’ll be fine in a few hours. She just needs to rest but please just go easy on her today. No provoking her please.”

I hadn’t planned on it.

“Of course.”

“Thank you.”

I sat down on the plush couch as the thoughts from last night replayed in my head.

I told myself that she knew nothing of struggle, That she was spoiled and egotistical.

Seeing those scars on her back, and hearing what Gabriel said about what had happened to her, I couldn’t help but wonder what other secrets and stories she was hiding behind those green eyes.