Page 193 of Lead Us To Temptation

Fuck it!

I bent down and picked her up and began carrying her to the house,

“I think I need to hear them all again just to make sure.”

* * *

Gabriel’s POV

“So you’re telling me even with a week of training she still has no control at all?”

I nodded at Micheal,

“She is trying her best but something is holding her back and I don’t know what.”

“WELL FIGURE IT OUT!” Micheal shouted as he took a step closer to me.

“I think she misses Lucifer. I mean he has completely disappeared right as she learns about the knowledge of the lock.”

Just keep feeding him lies.

Catalina had drastically changed and Lucifer was to thank for that. I didn’t think burning down her old childhood homes would do much for her. It was also a tad dramatic but it worked.

“One would think she should be more angry then, Gabriel.”

You obviously don’t know women then.

“Then you do not know Catalina very well.”

“I do not care to know her.” Micheal retorted.

“Perhaps you should. It might be easier if you were..nicer to her.”

“I don’t give a damn about her feelings, perhaps you should do your job and train her so I can finally do mine, Gabriel.”


“What job Micheal?”

“I told you before that she would make an exceptional soldier if she could get that Hellfire under control.”

“A soldier for what Micheal?”

“THAT is none of your concern right now.”

Micheal stiffened as he continued, a cold fury lurking in his eyes,

“Your time is almost up, if she does not get it under control I am taking over AGAIN!”

Before I could say another word Micheal’s fist connected with my face and he picked me up and held me against the wall.

“Do not disappoint me again Gabriel. I have waited long enough and you better come with better news next time.”

Fuck this is bad.

* * *

Lucifer’s POV