Page 192 of Lead Us To Temptation

“Please be safe Lucifer.” She yelled as she turned her head back to Gabriel.

Something isn’t right.

I could feel it but I couldn’t fucking see it! Something was out there. Waiting. Watching. I searched for what seemed like hours, looking under and over every branch and tree but there was nothing. Yet that feeling never left.

Something isn’t right.

Nothing. There was nothing. No sounds. No movements. Nothing. I started to make my way back to Catalina and Gabriel but a sound from the tree behind me caught my attention.

I grabbed my dagger that was strapped to my thigh and slowly made my way to the tree. Being careful not to make much noise. As I got closer I couldn’t see anything. Nothing. Just as I was about to turn back, rustling coming from above the tree stopped me.

I looked up as a flock of ravens burst from the tree, they started off going to the left but ended up veering right.

That’s not a good sign.

“Fucking shit.”

If that wasn’t an Ill-omen I didn’t know what was.

I made my way back to Catalina and Gabriel just as the timer went off.

She’s okay.

I turned off the timer and came up behind her and placed my hands on her hips,

“That’s time, congrats you lasted thirty minutes.”

She chuckled as she leaned into me,

“Still don’t last as long as you do.”

Oh Fuck.

“I’m literally standing right here,” Gabriel said as he made his way over to us.

Wish you weren’t right now.

“You know I’m fine with you two being together but please, I don’t want to hear the intimate details.”

“So I shouldn’t tell you about the fuzzy pink handcuffs?” I teased him as he clutched his ears and made his way back towards the house.

I wrapped my arm around Catalina’s waist and began walking back towards the house,

“The handcuffs aren’t even pink.” She whispered,

“Yeah well neither is the spreader bar but Gabriel doesn’t need to know that.”

She laughed as she playfully nudged my shoulder,

“I don’t think I will ever get tired of that.”

“Tired of what?” She asked and those perfect eyes of hers locked on mine,

“The sound of your laugh.”

She smirked, a hint of that playful wickedness lingering in her eyes as she spoke,

“And here I was thinking the other sounds I made were your favorite.”