Page 194 of Lead Us To Temptation

I held on to Catalina extra tight last night. I couldn’t shake the feeling that something was off. I couldn’t see it but I knew it was there. I knew something was wrong. I had been checking every night since I first felt it but I hadn’t found anything. Something was out there and I couldn’t find it. It was beginning to drive me mad.

As if hearing my thoughts Catalina stirred in her sleep, slightly backing up more and pressing her ass against me.


Last night she had shown me just how okay she really was. About four times to be exact. I loved her. I loved everything about this woman and I would go to the ends of the earth for her.

Fuck it one more check can’t hurt.

I climbed out of bed and gently tucked the blanket back around her.

She’s not even awake but I need her.

I went over and grabbed the pants from last night and made my way downstairs just as Gabriel walked through the door.

“Oh come on now you guys are just rubbing it in my face,” Gabriel exclaimed.

I smirked at him,

“Maybe it’s just hot in this house.”

Gabriel finally looked up and I saw the black and blue bruise on his face.

“What the fuck happened?!”

“Keep your damn voice down!” Gabriel whispered to me as he walked over to the kitchen and grabbed an aloe vera pack from the freezer,

“Let’s just say Micheal is not happy that Catalina has not improved.”

“Gabriel I am-”

He raised his hand,

“Don’t,” he said as he sat on the counter

“Micheal is starting to lose his temper, he’ll slip up soon.”

That was always Michael’s biggest downfall. When things didn’t go his way, he flipped shit and things would go down. It was like watching a toddler throw a temper tantrum because he didn’t get his way.

“He might have already,” Gabriel replied. His words caused me to stiffen as a cold fury pulsed through me

“What did he say?”

“He mentioned something a while ago when he first started training Catalina, mentioned that she would make a fine soldier. At first, I didn’t think anything of it, I just assumed he thought of everyone like that, just some kind of soldier that someone commands. But he mentioned it again today. Said that I should do my job and train her so he can finally do his.”

He was right. Micheal did tend to refer to everyone as some kind of soldier. We were only here to fight for a cause. Just made to simply be mindless weapons and fight. Expendable workers for a bigger job.


“What job Gabriel?”

“When I asked him about it, he told me it was none of my concern.”

Of course he did.

Micheal had slipped up. Not a lot but just enough. He needed Catalina for something.

“I don’t like that.”