I don’t have time for this.

I grabbed my keys off the counter, lacing them through my fingers, and clutching them tightly.

“Why do you hold your keys like that?”

He gestured down to the keys poking through each of my fingers. A look of curiosity painted on his face as he glanced at me and then back to the keys.


“Protection from what?”

I glared at him. Sometimes I forgot that he was a man. He didn’t have lessons drilled into his head about things like this. He didn’t have to remember to check his car before getting in, or to remember that if he felt unsafe walking at night then to pretend to be on the phone. He didn’t have to worry about covering his drinks or avoiding dark alleys and underpasses. He didn’t have to remember that wearing your hair down made it harder for people to grab. He didn’t have to remember that if you were taken, to never let them take you to a second location.

I rushed over to the door, my hand on the handle as he spoke,

“I’ll tell Gabriel you’ll be home at three, Oh and Catalina, if you didn’t want to speak to me you didn’t have to lie. I’m an asshole, not an idiot.” Abruptly Lucifer got up and began walking back to his room,

“Have a nice evening.”

He can’t be serious.

“I liked talking to you,” I whispered, unsure if he heard me or not, and honestly I didn’t have time to think about it as the sound of Garrett’s horn blasted through my ears, But a part of me wished, maybe even hoped he heard me.

* * *

Lucifer’s POV

I liked talking to you.

Catalina’s words plagued my mind over and over again.

I liked talking to you too.

I thought it but I didn’t say it and damn myself but I wanted to say it. Catalina was a lot of things but I found myself surprised about how… Easy it was to talk to her. How easy it felt to want to connect with her yet when I heard her coming out of her room, wearing that dress…

That fucking dress.

It pissed me off. She barely had enough time to rest and on top of that she was drugged last night and here she was ready to go out again and possibly open herself up to get hurt again!

It angered me that she thought so little of her life. That she had no regard for her safety.

Fuck it.

If Catalina wasn’t going to take her safety seriously then someone had to step in. I grabbed Catalina’s keys and headed towards the door.

What the fuck am I doing?

* * *

It wasn’t that hard to find out where she was. Catalina had tagged herself at a local club downtown. I had one task tonight and that was to make sure a repeat of last night did not happen. Finding her inside the club, however, was a whole different story. The place was packed and I honestly didn’t believe I would find her but I did. She was pressed up against a wall talking with some guy who radiated entitlement.

Way to pick them, Catalina.

I made to move toward her, but an annoyingly high-pitched voice stopped me,

“Well, aren’t you a treasure to find?”
