I looked down and saw a small blonde with big blue eyes staring back at me. Her gaze was filled with lust as she took me in.
“Not interested,” I said as I returned my gaze to Catalina. The small blonde followed my gaze.
“Oh trust me you don’t want her,” The blonde laughed,
“She’s a real piece of work, that girl will sleep with anything with a pulse. A hot mess express-”
“Watch your mouth.” I sneered at her. Her big blue eyes somehow got larger. I leaned down to get nice and close to her face,
“Speak like that again about her and I will rip your tongue from your mouth and shove it up your ass.UNDERSTAND!”
Her eyes filled with terror as she scrambled away from me. Where she went I didn’t know nor did I particularly care. All I cared about was that when I looked up Catalina was gone.
Where the fuck did she go!
I rushed over to where she had previously been and breathed a sigh of relief when I saw her and the guy sitting at the bar. I kept my eyes on her drink, knowing that if anything had looked suspicious I would step in. I didn’t care if I had to carry her out kicking and screaming, if something looked suspicious, I was getting her out of there. If anyone so much as even attempted to harm her in any way tonight, I would kill them, I would fill this club with their blood and set their rotting corpses on fire. So far though, the only suspicious thing was her taste in men. The guy wasn’t awful looking but Catalina could do so much better and based on the way he spoke and his disregard for showing the staff a shred of respect, I could tell this man was used to getting what he wanted.
So far everything was harmless, so I sat back and watched.
* * *
Eight drinks and five shots later I was ready to cut Catalina off, yet the guy she was with seemed to want to keep the party going. Catalina had finally decided she had enough and so did I. Catalina leaned in and whispered something to the guy, causing him to smile as he took her hand in his and began heading towards the exit.
I rushed out of the building behind them, trying to get to the car before Catalina could notice me. I had to get back to the house before them. Luckily they were driving slower, trying to appear less drunk than they already were. I made it back in ten minutes, parking her car in the exact spot she left it, and raced up the stairs where I sat at the kitchen Island and waited.
* * *
Catalina’s POV
3:45 AM. Not too bad. Gabriel will still be pissed but hey at least I’m home this time. When Garrett pulled up to the house I saw that the lights were still on.
I sent Garrett on his way. We both wanted more but the last thing I needed tonight was Gabriel scaring him away. So I would spend yet another night alone.
I walked up the steps leading to the front door and gently opened the door. Maybe if I could be quiet he wouldn’t notice and I could just sneak into my room. I gently pried the door open and slowly began to take off my shoes.
“He’s already asleep, no need to try and be quiet. Which you’re failing at by the way.”
You have to be fucking kidding me…
I turned and saw Lucifer sitting at the kitchen island with a book in hand. One of MY books. I walked over and attempted to snatch the book out of his hand,
“Didn’t you hear me before when I said to fucking ask before touching my things!”
He chuckled. As if touching my things was a fucking joke to him.
“I’m going to fucking kill you!”
Lucifer stood as he raised his hand above his head, raising the book out of my reach,
“Don’t threaten me with a good time princess,”
“I told you not to touch my damn things, and don’t call me princess!”
“Have a drink with me,” he said as he slid a glass of water over to me.