“After my father appointed me to run Hell, he seemed to distance himself from me, as did my brothers,”
Those first few years everything was normal but as the years went by I noticed my father and brothers stopped coming around and stopped involving me in things. They seemed to forget about me until they needed something or if something went wrong.
“Everyone seemed to push me to the back of their thoughts until something bad happened or they needed my help with something but other than that they pretty much ignored me.”
Ignored was a nicer way to put what they did most of the time. After my father appointed me to Hell others began to talk. They thought there was something wrong with me, that there was something darker brewing inside me, and in a way I guess they were right.
“I also held out hope that maybe things would change, that we could turn over a new leaf and start fresh and work things out, but we couldn’t. The damage was already done, and frankly, I decided if they didn’t want anything to do with me then I would not honor them by having them plague my thoughts.” I stood up and made my way to stand beside her,
“If your family truly cared for you, they would make the effort.”
“Like Gabriel.” She whispered out.
“Yes. Like Gabriel.”
Gabriel might not be Catalina’s family but from what I witnessed he was the only one who gave a damn about her, the only one who made an effort. The only one that reached out…
For a moment we just stood there, our confessions hanging between us. Two exiles with one common point.
“I know we are not friends or anything like that but I’m here if you need to talk-”
“Thanks but I think I’m gonna lay back down.”
Catalina wandered back to her room before I could finish.
I was right.
There was more behind those eyes than she and Gabriel led on. There was pain and sadness and anger hiding there. But what else was she hiding exactly?
I glanced back at the unoccupied chair and for some reason, the sight of the empty chair next to me brought the slight pain in my chest back.
* * *
Catalina’s POV
New message from Garrett:
I’ll be there in about an hour, wear something hot ;)
Garrett had texted me during my conversation with Lucifer and honestly, I was glad. I needed the distraction tonight. I didn’t want to be in my own head. I didn’t want to think about my mother or father or my brothers. I just needed to be, and with Lucifer, I was getting too much into my head but with Garrett, I could get lost in something else. I picked out one of my favorite dresses to wear, a sexy long-sleeved V-neck Body con mini dress that I paired with my favorite pair of black stilettos. I spent a little extra time on my hair and makeup. As long as I looked hot Garrett would keep the drinks coming all night long and honestly that’s what I needed tonight.
New message from Garrett:
Pulling up now.
I glanced at myself one last time in the mirror. I looked great and once I got a few drinks in me, I would feel great as well. I grabbed my little black purse off of my bed and headed down the hallway. The sound of the TV playing stopped me dead in my tracks.
I didn’t count on Lucifer still being in the living room. He usually retreated to his room around eleven and considering it was almost midnight, it surprised me.
“That’s some outfit to lay down in.” He glanced back at me from his spot on the couch,
“I’m going out,”
“I figured as much.” He turned back to face the TV. There was something off about him. I just couldn’t figure out what it was.