“Fine,” she replied as she let go of Gabriel and began to walk towards the door,
“AND CALL IF YOU NEED US!” he shouted as the door closed behind her.
Of course, she ignored him but I had the feeling she heard what he said. However, I couldn’t stop myself from going up to the door and watching as she drove off.
“Brother do us both a favor and leave me out of her phone contacts, the last thing I need is my phone blowing up with her idiocies.”
“Maybe we should go with her to make sure she stays out of trouble,” Gabriel said and immediately tried to get past me to his car. I raised my hand and he instantly stopped.
“She does this often?” I asked Gabriel,
“Yeah, she probably won’t be home by three so I’ll just end up waiting for her to get back at whatever time she strolls in.”
“Lucifer, I think we should just go with her and make sure she’s okay.”
“No,” I told him.
Gabriel looked at me as if I had grown three heads.
“She has to hit rock bottom before she can begin to climb back up.”
“How is that going to help her? We’re supposed to be stopping this.” Gabriel questioned,
“We will help her. Trust me, Gabriel.”
I looked at Gabriel and saw a look of understanding. He might not like it but he understood that unless Catalina wanted the help, no one would be able to help her and the only way she would be able to see that she needed help, was for her to hit rock bottom first. We could yell and scream and beg and plead with her all day but it wouldn’t make a difference. If we were going to help her, she needed to acknowledge that she needed it and wanted it. She had to show that she wanted to be saved. That she wanted to live.
* * *
“You’re late.” I slammed my glass down on the island as Catalina had tried and utterly failed to walk through the door quietly and unnoticed. Gabriel had gotten called in for something so I agreed to sit and wait up for her. She was supposed to be home by three. It was currently four-thirty in the morning.
“And you’re a prick, now are we done stating the obvious?” She sneered back as she leaned up against the door and began taking off her ridiculously tall heels.
Honestly, how has she not fallen and snapped her neck wearing those?
“You’re unbelievable you know that!” I sneered back at her as I inched a bit closer,
“Gabriel opens his home to you, helps you, takes care of you and you take advantage of him and treat him like shit!”
Catalina remained silent,
“He asked one thing of you tonight, ONE THING! And you couldn’t even do that for him.”
“I didn’t-”
“I’m not done.”
I inched closer, my face just a few mere inches from hers. I was so close I could practically smell the whiskey dripping off of her,
“My brother is a lot of things, but he is no pack mule. He is not someone that you can use to your advantage. My brother cares for you and he seems to believe you care about him as well,”
“I do-”
“Do not interrupt me again!” I seethed at her as she went silent, pressing her back against the door as if she could go through it and disappear.
“You’re a spoiled, stubborn, egotistical princess,”