“What’s that supposed to mean?”
Gabriel leaned against the counter and took a minute before he responded,
“Catalina is very protective of her books. They’re like a security blanket for her.”
“Security blanket for what?”
Gabriel remained silent and for a moment I didn’t think he was going to answer me,
“Earlier she said that there wasn’t much to do but read when you’re locked up all the time,”
Gabriel’s hand began to turn white as he clutched the edge of the counter tighter,
“Want to tell me what she meant by that, Gabriel?”
“It is not my story to tell.” He explained as he finished his drink in one big swing.
“I’m going to get washed up for dinner.” Gabriel took off in the direction of his room but I found myself staring at the hallway to the library.
Locked up.
* * *
I found myself making my way towards her door. She hadn’t acknowledged me all day but the least she could do was be polite and acknowledge Gabriel. I knocked on her door. Silence. I knocked again. I knew she was in there, there was nowhere else she could go, I was debating breaking down the door when I heard another door close, I opened her door to find Catalina draped in a towel, sitting on her bathroom counter applying makeup.
“Get out.” She said so effortlessly as if she was unfazed by my presence.
“Gabriel’s home I thought you might like to say hello to him.”
Silence. She ignored me as she continued to put on her makeup. Not even looking in my direction through the mirror.
“Are you going to ignore me?”
“Real fucking mature of you.”
I turned to leave her room but the sound of her slamming the bathroom door shut stopped me.
I turned and slammed her bedroom door shut.
She wants to be alone? Very well then she can die alone for all I care.
She was angry and not in the mood for anything and I wasn’t in the mood to deal with her.
* * *
The sound of a slight click of a door sounded throughout the quiet, almost peaceful home. I lifted my head as I heard her door open and gently close, and the sound of heels clicking on the ground shortly followed.
“It’s 9:30 at night, where are you going?” Gabriel asked her, peering his head over my shoulder to see Catalina, dressed in a red corset top that emphasized her large chest, light blue skinny jeans, and black heels with tiny little spikes on them. Her hair was straight as it always was and effortlessly framed around her face. She had dark smokey makeup that accentuated her eyes and strangely enough, she had applied enough makeup to cover her freckles.
What a shame.
“Out.” She replied as she grabbed her small purse from the living room.
“Well, can you at least be home by three this time? And keep your location on please.” Gabriel asked as he got up and walked over to embrace her. She rolled her eyes but a small smirk pierced her lips as she embraced him back.