“I am not a princess!”

I slammed my hand against the wall beside her head, she didn’t even flinch.


“No, you’re just a bitch!”

“Don’t raise your fucking voice at me!”

“If you would stop acting so damn irresponsible I wouldn’t have to raise my voice! Hell, I wouldn’t even have to be here!”

If she had gotten her shit together I wouldn’t be in Gabriel’s home with her. I would be out doing whatever the hell I wanted instead of arguing with a drunk in the kitchen.

“Then go! There’s the fucking door, just fucking leave!”

“So you can continue to treat Gabriel like a piece of shit? No, I’m not leaving!”

“No one wants you here anyway!” She shouted, that slight orange in her eyes slowly rising to the surface,

“And no one wants you!”

Catalina recoiled ever so slightly. Honestly, if I wasn’t standing in front of her I probably wouldn’t have even noticed.

“You know nothing about me, about what I’ve been through-”

“Enlighten me then princess on what happened in your life that was so bad you turned into this pathetic excuse for a human being.”

She remained silent.


She had no excuse to be acting this way. There was no reason for this behavior and despite what Gabriel said I didn’t think this girl had experienced a single struggle in her life. Up until now this girl’s biggest “struggle” was probably deciding which boy she would sleep with or her image on social media. It was pathetic.

“If you’re going to continue to act like this then do us all a favor and go dig your grave now and lay in it,” I moved away from her and back towards the island,

“It would save us all time in the long run.”

I expected her not to answer. I expected her to run away or lash out and throw a tantrum like the immature brat she was. Hell, I even expected her to throw something. What I didn’t expect was the tiny tear that fell from her eye before she quickly wiped it away. For a moment I felt my chest tighten as Catalina stripped off her jacket, tossing it to the side pulled off her shirt, and began unbuckling her belt.

What the fuck?

Catalina placed the belt in my hands as she slowly turned her back to me. I expected pristine soft olive skin that would match her face. Instead, I was met with a pale shredded canvas torn apart with cuts. Some went from her shoulders, down her back, and to her waist. No two scars looked the same. I could tell some went deeper than others, Some were pink while some had turned white, healed but never fully disappearing. A permanent reminder on her skin. A chain that would forever tie her to the person that put them there. There wasn’t a single inch of her back that wasn’t scarred in some way.

“Hit me.” Her voice was tight with restraint as she clenched her fists at her side.

I didn’t move a single inch.

“You want to know what I’ve been through? Then take that belt and hit me as hard as you can.”

“I’m not going to-“

“JUST DO IT!” She yelled as I gripped the belt she placed in my hands tighter. I raised the belt, slashing it across her skin as the deafening sound of cold leather hit her lower back.


No movement.

No sound.