Sleep evaded me that night, like it had for most other nights. The visions of her were so real I’d jolt when I felt her hand slide across my chest. I thought prison was the worst torture a man could endure. I had been terribly wrong. This was surely a million times worse. I would rather someone beat me to a bloody pulp than endure this kind of anguish night after night, knowing what I wanted so badly, would never be mine again.
Pete and I met for breakfast in the EPIC cafe at eight the next morning.
“You got what you asked for. Before you leave today, make sure you have everything you need. Once your leave is official, you’re off the clock. That means no clearance for anything. Understand?”
“Yeah,” I laughed, “but that’s what I have you for.”
He laughed too and replied, “Well, you may find your ass in a sling if you can’t reach me. You know I’ll still be running missions.”
“I have other connections, you know.”
“True, but some of those connections scare the piss out of me.”
“As they should, but they’ve saved my ass a time or two.”
“All kidding aside. Is there anything you need from us here?”
“No. All’s good.” I grinned at him.
“I hear ya. Do me a favor though, will you? When you hack into our system, don’t leave any footprints, okay?”
“No worries there. I do need a big favor from you though.”
“Keep a tight eye on Caroline and Justin. If anything ever happened to either one of them ...” I got choked up and couldn’t go on. My throat burned with emotion.
“Hey, you know they’re on constant protection with us, right? The U.S. Marshals have them covered too.”
“Yeah, but I need trusted eyes on them, Pete.”
“Hey, I got it covered, man. No worries.”
We finished up and I looked at Pete and said, “I owe you.”
“I hardly think so. We owe you, Preston. Go and get your girl back. I hope the wind is at your back.”
It didn’t surprise me to see him sitting there, but I squealed and ran around to give him a hug. We both laughed and then he pushed me away, gently, and said, “I’ll be honest, Ava. I’ve seen you looking better.”
After blowing out my breath, I said, “What? You mean you don’t like the shade of purple I’m wearing under my eyes these days?”
Right then, one of the waitresses, Felicia, bopped over and said, “Well, hey, Avery. Who’s this?”
Rolling my eyes at Justin, I said, “This is my brother Justin. Justin, meet Felicia.”
Before I could get another word out, Felicia wedged her way between us and practically rubbed herself against my poor brother. “Well, hello there, Justin. Where has Avery been hiding you?”
I grabbed her arm, yanked her back to my side, and announced in a loud voice, “Avery’s been hiding Justin in Seattle with his wife, Caroline. If anyone else wants to know, Justin is off-limits.”
Felicia immediately stuck out her big silicone-injected lips and said, “What a pity. We could’ve had such fun.”
“In your dreams, Felicia.”