“About as good as you guys. He’s back at work. I just had to take him some Tylenol and saw your car here, figured I would stop and say hi.”
“Where’s the baby?” I wanted to see the little creation Sarah and Trent had made. Who knew the guy crying about being Coyote Uglied would end up marrying the girl that snuck away from him that night. I wished I had that kind of love story.
She stood. “She’s with my mom. I have to go get her now. We should do that again.” Sarah smiled before walking away.
Alissa and I turned our attention back to each other when Sarah ran back over and stole one of Alissa’s onion rings.
“Hey!” Alissa yelled at her.
Sarah crammed it into her mouth. “Bye, Lennox.”
I couldn’t hold in my laughter.
“Why is she so cheery?” Alissa frowned in Sarah’s direction.
I shrugged and dug into my food.
After we finished eating, we went back home to relax the rest of the day. We laid on the couch and finished watching The Blacklist on Netflix. We ordered pizza for dinner and crashed early.
I wokeup Friday feeling like a whole new person. I was rested, wasn’t hungover, and my ribs felt better than they had the day before. I showered quickly and made Alissa breakfast before she even woke up. I was sitting down to eat when she finally pulled herself from bed.
She lifted the lid on the pan and peeked inside. “Did you cook?”
“Yes, why do you sound so surprised?”
“Because I am, you never cook. I didn’t even know you knew how.”
“It’s french toast, it doesn’t take a genius.”
Alissa made her plate and took a seat across from me. “So, what’s the plan for today?”
“I have no idea. I don’t really feel like doing much.”
Alissa dropped her fork onto her plate. “You have got to be joking, right?”
“What? I don’t want to go out there and see Nicole hanging all over Mason. I know he belongs to her, but I still don’t want to see it.” To say I was bitter about the whole situation was an understatement.
“Lennox, you have to get over this. I know you loved the guy, but you left and now he is with someone.”
“I don’t need you to remind me. I remind myself every day. And it doesn’t make a difference anyway. I just want all this shit with Chris out of the way, so I can go back to my life.” I pushed away from the table and went to my room to lie down.
As I stared at the white ceiling, I thought about the mess my life had become. I thought about the weekend Mason and I had together before Nicole dropped the pregnancy bomb and wished it could’ve lasted longer.
I knew what we did was wrong, but it felt so right. I didn’t know how I was going to stay away from Mason. But if Nicole was pregnant, I had to. I had to avoid him, that was the only way it could work. One look into those ice-blue eyes and I would get swept away in them. Nicole would fall away, the pregnancy would fall away, it would just be Mason and the hungry look in his eyes. Just picturing that look made my heart speed up.
My phone rang drawing me from my thoughts. I picked up the phone and saw Mason’s gorgeous face on the screen.
“Can I come over?” his voice was thick and smooth. “I have something to tell you.”
My heart pounded in my ears as my skin became hot. “Okay,” I whispered.
The phone clicked and I pulled it away from my ear. I knew it was all coming to an end. I could feel it deep inside of me. He was coming to give me the results. I prayed for a negative.
I pulled myself from the bed and started pacing the floor with anticipation. I thought about changing out of my oversized t-shirt that I slept in, but couldn’t function long enough to find clothes.
Finally, he knocked on my door and stepped in. I turned to look into his eyes.