“Oh God,” she moaned, running her hands over her face.

I laughed. “Why are you fighting so hard to stay away from him? You obviously like him. Or it looked that way when you were sitting on his lap.”

“Shut up.” She tossed a pillow at me.

I left Alissa alone to wallow while I went to take a shower. I didn’t know what I had done, but my ribs hurt more than they had in days. I opened the medicine cabinet and took one of my pain pills before stepping into the hot water.

I let the hot flow of water run over my sore body, leaving my skin red.

By the time I had gotten out of the shower, my pill had started to kick in, which was good and not so good. It was good because I wasn’t in as much pain, but it was bad because, I hadn’t eaten and that made my stomach churn. I wrapped myself in a towel and left the bathroom.

“Get dressed, we’re going to eat,” I said passing through the hallway.

I made it to my room where I wrapped my ribs before pulling on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt.

“I’m leaving, if you want food you better move,” I shouted back to Alissa, on my way to the door.

“Fine, but you’re buying,” she said, sprinting from her room.

We got to the bar within minutes instead of the twenty it took the night before.

“God, isn’t there anywhere else in this town to eat?” She crossed her arms, refusing to move.

“Yes, but this place is the best. Let’s go in or you can starve.”

“Fine, it’s not fair you know how to manipulate me like this.”

We walked into the empty bar and sat down at a table.

“Hey guys, how are you feeling today? Dane looks like shit.” Wendy sat down our menus before standing back and looking us over.

“I feel like shit.” I took the menu even though I knew what I wanted.

“Me too,” Alissa stated.

We ordered our food and sat back in the booth dazing off into space. We were both too tired to talk.

“We should never do that again,” Alissa said, finally breaking the silence.

“You never are, Cheetos shower.” I narrowed my eyes at her.

“Hey, it was fun at the time,” she defended.

Wendy brought us our food and we began to eat in silence.

“You guys look like shit,” Sarah said, sliding in the booth next to me.

“How do you look so good? You were passed out on the boat.” I looked over her perfectly straight auburn hair and chipper smile.

“I don’t know, I recover well,” she said, stealing a fry from my plate. “Oh, onion rings.” She reached across the table for Alissa’s plate.

Alissa grabbed her plate and pulled it closer to her, almost growling.

“She doesn’t share food,” I warned, when Sarah pulled her hand back in fear it would be bitten off.

“I can see that.” She gave Alissa a worried look.

“How’s Trent feeling today?” I asked her.