I stand here stunned. She’s standing by my side when it could damage her career. I didn’t ask her to, and I wouldn’t have allowed her to if we’d talked about it beforehand.

This time, she’s choosing me. I didn’t know it would feel so good for her to have my back. I want to kiss her but hold back.

My smile grows when Jess moves to her other side. My life is starting to make sense. This might have just backfired on Donna.

“Are you saying you’re in a relationship with Mr. Monroe?”

“I’m saying I’m home and I want to spend time with an old friend. We have a bond, now we get to see if it can be something more. I can’t name for you something we haven’t named for ourselves.”

“How long will you be here in Texas? What about your tour?”

“I’ll be here for as long as my family needs me. My fans understand I had to come home to take care of me and mine. Now I’m going to ask them for a favor. Especially those in my community who have known Mr. Monroe all his life.

“If you see a Monroe in the street, if you talk to someone who doesn’t know this man like we do, let them know … I stand with Trevor Monroe.”

“Will you be here if this goes to court?”

“I stand with Trevor Monroe,” she says more firmly.

“What if your fans don’t support this?”

“I stand with Trevor Monroe.”

I blink back the tears that come to my eyes. This is so much more than I could have asked for. When Jess and the others chime in and begin to chant the same, my heart swells.

Lynn holds her hand up after a few moments to silence everyone. I’m so proud of the woman she’s become. Pook would be real proud. I feel like I’m looking at a version of my best friend.

“Now, everyone, Mr. Monroe has two adorable little boys he’d like to get home to. I’m sure his other little girl would like to see his face as well. Y’all have a good day,” she says dismissing any further questions.

We turn to head for the cars. Nate pulls Lynn into a hug before she climbs into the SUV. He gives me a pointed look as if to say we’ll have words later.

I’m too exhausted to reply. I need a shower and something in my belly. If I can get all that while I have my woman by my side, I’ll be a happy man.


Miss LG


“Daddy!” Trev’s boys call as we walk through the door.

“We saw you on TV. Are you all right?” The older one says.

“I’m fine. Just tired and hungry,” Trev replies as he hugs both his sons tightly.

You can feel the love between them. His sons peek around him to look at me. They both have smiles on their faces. They’re adorable.

“Hello, I’m Lynn. You boys can call me Cakes if you like. It’s nice to meet you. I’m sorry I had to rush off earlier,” I say and wave at them.

I get the feeling they’ve been waiting for me to get back more than anything. Their little faces lit up and their cheeks turned pink. The taller one steps around Trev first.

“We know who you are, Miss LG. I’ve been waiting all my life to meet you,” the older one says. “I’m Toby but you can call me Scoot, ma’am.”

“Nice to meet you, Scoot.”

“Hi, I’m Bam. Well Johnathan, but you can call me Bam, ma’am. You’re so little in person and really pretty,” the youngest one says.

I laugh. “I get that a lot. The little part. Thank you for the pretty comment. You boys are quite handsome yourselves. I remember when your daddy looked like each of you.”

“Really? Daddy looked like us?” Scoot asks with his chest poked out.

“Yes, he did.” I reach to ruffle his blond locks. “Had this haircut once too.”

“Cool,” he says.

I look up at Trevor. “Should Jess go to your place to pack something for you guys to stay the night?”

A look of surprise comes to his face. I smile and wait for him to recover. I figured he’d want to be here with me, but I don’t want him to feel torn between being a father and being with me.

“Yes, come on, Daddy. Please,” Scoot says.

Trev looks to Jess. “Would you mind? You can take them with you.”

“No problem. I’ve got it,” Jess says.

I move to Elise’s side and lean to whisper into her ear. “What are you up to?”

She looks at me and winks. “I’m being proactive. People need to see who he is.”

I nod my head. Matt and Elise have handled my PR for years. They’ve done a better job than the team I used to have. I look at my friend and think of all the hats she’s taken on over the years to look out for me.