They have a podium set up for me to give a statement and all. Bobby steps up to the mic and makes a small statement before allowing me to step up to give the statement we agreed upon.

“Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. I want to start by saying I’m truly ashamed of my actions. I allowed my emotions to run away from me.

“What I did was wrong, and Miss Lancaster didn’t deserve for me to put my hands on her. I’m most disappointed in the example I’ve set for my boys. This isn’t what I teach my sons, and it’s not a situation I want my daughters to find themselves in.

“I’m grateful to have Dr. Winsor in my life. I will continue to see her in therapy and work through my anger issues. This is something I hope my family and I can work through in private so we can move forward and get back to a healthy place in our family life.”

“Mr. Monroe, is your brother in support of this behavior?”

“I can’t speak for my brother, but I’m sure he would tell you he’s not in support of what I’ve done, but he’s in support of me and my family being happy and healthy.”

“What brought about the confrontation? Have you always been violent like this?”

“I was a hothead when I was younger. I’m sure many of us can name a time when we got into some trouble in our past. However, I’ve never put my hands on a woman before. My mama and daddy didn’t raise me that way. As for what brought about the confrontation, again, this is a private matter. I won’t speak on the private details.”

“Did the disagreement come about because your dating Texas Darlin’ Lynn Galveston?”

My mind goes blank as I hear the question. My anger flares because that shouldn’t even be a question. There’s no way for anyone to know that without being fed information.

I swallow hard and try to remember what to say. I don’t want to drag Lynn into this. It’s my job to protect her and I don’t want to fail my first day on the job.

Suddenly the air seems to shift, people begin to murmur, and cameras begin to flash all around me. I turn my head and find a figure walking toward me with a hooded cape on.

Lynn comes to my side and removes her hood, smiling up at me. She then laces her fingers with mine and squeezes my fingers. I’m stunned and not sure what she’s about to do or why.

“Good afternoon, everyone. I wanted to come and stand with Mr. Monroe. I’ve known him since I was a little girl, and this is so far out of character for him.

“While his actions were disappointing. I want to be clear and say all parties involved were reacting to being emotionally and mentally hurt. I could tell Mr. Monroe wasn’t himself in the moment.

“Does that make his actions right? No, it doesn’t. I’m saddened because this one moment is overshadowing the fact that one of my dearest friends as a child is now an amazing father, son, brother, friend and employer.

“If you know this man, you know he’s kind, a provider, a protector, and an asset to his community. I hope you all can find it in your hearts to allow my friend and his family to seek the peace they desire at this time,” she says into the mic.

“So you’re supporting a man who chokes and beats his wife?”

“Hold on now. Mr. Monroe hasn’t hit anyone. Please don’t make false allegations.

“While I don’t support his actions and hope that Miss Donna is okay, I’m supporting the man I know. The man I know wouldn’t hurt anyone.

“We can’t take one moment and judge a lifetime from it. This man was my late sister’s best friend until the day we lost her so tragically. After her loss, he was there for me and helped me heal to become the woman I am today.

“So yes, I will stand with him. He’s a part of my family. We know the best of him. That’s what I’m in support of.”

“Is it true you two were dating while Mr. Monroe was still married?”

“Absolutely not. We have too much respect for each other for that. I have too much respect for myself. However, now that he’s officially divorced, a romantic relationship is an option.”

“How can he be an option after this incident?” someone calls out.

“Because I know the kindness of his heart, and I’ve seen the wonderful father he is. I’ve bonded with one of his amazing daughters that he’s done an amazing job with. I believe there is something worth exploring.

“But let me be perfectly clear. This is only an option now that he’s divorced. I am not now and have never been a homewrecker,” she replies.