Feeling emotional, I wrap an arm around her waist and place my head against her. She moves her phone she’s recording with to her other hand and wraps her arm around me.

“This too shall pass. I’m proud of you. You did the right thing.”


“You’re amazing,” Trev says as he buries his face in my neck after coming up behind me in the bedroom.

He’s been in the shower while I’ve been exploring the house. I just got back to the room, now I’ve been thinking and changing into some sweats to relax. I melt into him and savor the feel of his embrace. Again, I get the feeling of coming home.

I feel completely safe. Happiness bubbles up in me. I crane my neck to look at him.

He lifts his head and pecks my lips. I turn in his embrace and reach to wrap my hands around his neck as I lift on my toes. He presses his forehead to mine.

“You’re not so bad yourself. Trev, this house is everything. You nailed it and then some.”

“I’m glad you like it. Thank you for welcoming my boys in.”

“Well, there’s sort of a little surprise in the kitchen.”

“I knew it smelled good in here. Let me guess, the boys called Snacks to brag then she had Nanna bring her over,” he says and chuckles.

“Elise went and got her. Nanna sent over a few pies.”

“Oh shit,” he bites out and frowns.

“What just happened?”

I tilt my head as his cheeks pink as he bites his lip. My curiosity is piqued. I lift a questioning brow.

“I came by the hotel yesterday with our cupcakes. Snacks helped me bake a batch. I left them in my truck after I didn’t get to see you,” he says, now fully blushing.

“You were at the hotel yesterday? What happened?”

“You guys walked into the lobby and all hell broke loose. I didn’t know if I belonged there.”

I palm the side of his face. “First, you belong wherever I am. Same as I belong where you are. Second, you brought me cupcakes?”

“I wanted to call a truce. I didn’t know why we were at odds. I was hoping our pact would hold and you’d have to talk to me,” he says.

“Trevor Monroe. You’re so freaking adorable right now. Honey, I adore you,” I sing as I snicker.

His stomach growls and I laugh more. He leans down and takes my lips in a toe-curling kiss. Cupping my ass in his palms, he pulls me into his body and groans.

His stomach growls again. I pull back laughing. He shakes his head and frowns.

“Snacks just started cooking. Maybe we should go get those cupcakes to tie you over,” I say.

“Where are Scoot and Bam?”

“Hanging with Wilson and Matt. They’ll be fine with them. Maggie is lurking like a mama bear.”

“You still want to look through those books? How about we ride over to the main house and pick them up while we’re at it,” he says.

“Oh, I forgot about that with everything going on. Elise took care of Daddy’s transfer. Everyone worked to coordinate the move here, but those books slipped my mind.”

“Then come on. I don’t know what we’ll find in that cupcake holder, but we can get those books. I’ll drive us over.”

“Okay.” I go to grab my sneakers and put them on.

That’s when it occurs to me that Trevor is dressed in fresh clothes. Jess came back with a duffle bag for herself, but I didn’t see her hand a bag to her dad.

I snort to myself. “Trev?”

“Yeah, darlin’.”

“Do you have clothes here? I mean, have you had clothes here all along?”

“I do,” he says sheepishly.

I laugh and shake my head. If I had doubts about him wanting me back, this house has shown me the truth. He’s been waiting.

This was supposed to be our life.


It feels good to be able to laugh like this. We haven’t stopped laughing since getting into my truck. We found the cupcake holder but there were only two sorry-looking cupcakes left.

It looks like my boys found them first. I’m guessing the melted frosting didn’t bother them none too much.

“You know, I can’t even blame them. Their daddy used to steal my cupcakes all the time,” Lynn says through her laughter.

“Well, I’ll be having a talk with them. They know better than to touch things they find in my truck. As a matter of fact, they know better than to touch anything that ain’t theirs.”

“But they’re so cute. I can’t be mad at them. They must have been good. I don’t see any crumbs.”

I pull up to the main house and park. The lights are all off. I don’t think Darla is home.

Looking at the dash, I’m figuring she’s still visiting with Moses. So many memories come back to me of this house. I spent as much time here as I did on my family’s ranch.