"You're lucky you're so cute," Negal said as he leaned over her and kissed her lightly on the lips. "Otherwise, I might have tried to talk some sense into you."
She laughed, reaching for his hand and twining her fingers through his. "Admit it," she teased. "You love it that I'm stubborn."
"I love everything about you." Negal's voice dropped an octave as he lifted her hand to his lips. "Even when you're driving me crazy with your stubbornness."
The sound of the doorbell echoed through Jasmine's tiny cabin, startling her out of a very romantic part of the book she was reading.
It was the third time she was reading it, and yet she still teared up when James went down on one knee and declared his undying love to Annabel.
"I'm coming." She scrambled off the bed, smoothing down her hair and checking her reflection in the small mirror above the desk.
It was probably Margo. She hadn't seen her or heard from her in what seemed like days, and she was starting to worry about her.
Or maybe it was Edgar, come to apologize for leaving last night with not so much as a note.
Satisfied that she looked presentable, she pulled it open, a smile curving her lips. But instead of Margo or Ed, she found Frankie standing in the corridor with a breathtakingly handsome guy towering over her petite frame.
What was it with the insanely good-looking people on this cruise?
"Hey, Jasmine!" Frankie said. "I have great news. You've been cleared to come up to the upper decks, and Dagor and I are here to escort you to our cabin, which we share with Margo and Negal."
Jasmine's eyes widened, her heart doing a little flip in her chest. "Really? Did Edna clear me?"
Frankie shrugged. "Margo only told me that Kian was okay with you coming up and to come get you."
The niggling feeling of worry that had been hovering in the back of her head came to the fore. "Is Margo alright? I haven't seen her in days, and now she sends you instead of coming down here herself."
Frankie waved a dismissive hand. "She's just a little under the weather, and Negal is fussing over her and not letting her move from the couch. She wants to see you. We can all hang out together."
"Awesome." Jasmine turned back into the cabin. "Do I need to put on something fancier for the posh upper decks?"
Frankie shook her head. "Nah, you look great. We're just going to Margo's cabin. No need to get all fancy."
"Then I'll just get my shoes and my purse." Jasmine cast a smile at Frankie's boyfriend. "I'm so excited to finally be allowed up there." She chuckled. "Talk about feeling like Cinderella."
As they stepped out into the hallway, Jasmine was practically bouncing on her toes in her eagerness to get to the upper decks and see all the wonders hiding up there, but as they got to the stairs, a familiar figure rounded the corner, his blue eyes lighting up when he saw her.
"Jasmine!" Edgar grinned. "Where are you off to?"
"I've been cleared to go up to the upper decks, and I'm going to visit Margo in her cabin."
His eyes widened. "That's fantastic." He reversed direction and climbed the stairs beside her. "I can finally show you around and give you the grand tour."
"That sounds great." She reached for his hand and clasped it. "But I will have to take a raincheck. I need to go see Margo. Frankie said that she was not feeling well, and I wanted to make sure she was okay. I haven't seen her in days."
Edgar nodded. "Perfectly understandable. Mind if I tag along?"
Jasmine glanced at Frankie and then at Dagor. "Is that okay with you?"
Frankie hesitated for a moment, annoyance flickering across her face too quickly for Ed to notice. "Sure." She affected a bright smile that didn't quite reach her eyes. "The more the merrier, I guess."
An uncomfortable silence fell over the group as they made their way up the stairs, and Jasmine didn't like the tension in the air.
Ed shouldn't have invited himself, but was it really such a big deal?