"Why are we taking the stairs instead of the elevator?" she asked, to fill the silence.

"Our cabin is on deck three," Frankie said. "It's faster to climb the stairs than to wait for the elevators."

As they stepped into the lushly appointed hallway of Frankie and Margo's deck, Jasmine pushed the thought aside and took in the decor.

She approved.

It wasn't gaudy or over the top as she'd expected. Instead, the style was of understated elegance. Plush carpets, gleaming wood panels, and works of art that might have been originals or fakes—she didn't know enough about art to tell the difference.



While the discussion around the table continued to revolve around modern witchcraft, fields of energy, and how quantum physics could explain paranormal phenomena, Amanda pushed aside thoughts of her mother becoming the ruler of the galaxy because, frankly, it was just crazy.

Instead, she thought back to the fun times she'd had with leading her mostly made-up witchy rituals.

She had always been fascinated by alternative spirituality and connecting with the divine feminine, but she had only superficial knowledge of Wiccan practices and had never delved too deeply into the specifics of modern witchcraft. It had always been about fun for her—a way to bond with her female friends over something different and naughty. She'd had a blast scandalizing Syssi by coercing her shy sister-in-law into dancing in the woods in her birthday suit.

Amanda stifled a smile at the memory.

Across the table, Syssi let out a long-suffering sigh. "I will never forget how you roped me into the ritual you did for Vivian."

"I was just thinking about the same thing," Amanda admitted. "It was so much fun."

"For you," Syssi grumbled.

Amanda chuckled. "After you got over your excessive modesty, you enjoyed it too. Besides, it worked beautifully, so it was worth a few minutes of embarrassment. Vivian stopped thinking that she was cursed and embraced her relationship with Magnus."

Sari cast Amanda an amused look. "Since the curse only existed in Vivian's head, the ritual probably had a placebo effect. She believed that it worked, so it did."

Amanda pursed her lips. "Maybe you are right, or maybe the combined positive energy of fourteen females did the trick."

Syssi laughed. "It was an impressive theatrical production, so it looked convincing. Although I doubt that Vivian was impressed with the wizard robes we wore. They came from a costume shop."

"Why fourteen?" David asked. "I've heard of a circle of seven or thirteen but never fourteen. Is there more power in doubling up on seven?"

"Humm." Amanda tapped her finger on her lower lip. "I should have thought of that explanation when we ended up with fourteen instead of thirteen witches in our circle, but that wasn't it. It's actually a fun story." She looked at Syssi. "Do you want to tell it, or should I?"

Syssi waved a hand. "Go ahead. I'm sure that your version will be much more entertaining than mine."

"Fine. So the plan was to assemble thirteen females, but since I knew that not everyone would be on board with nudity," she cast Syssi a pointed look, "I got fifteen. Syssi said that there was no way she was getting naked and that she would offer her support from the sidelines. Kri, who was there in a Guardian capacity, was armed to the teeth, so she couldn't join in either because of her weapons. That left me with thirteen, which was what I needed."

"We looked so ridiculous," Syssi said. "I had my clothes on under the wizard robe, but Amanda, Carol, and many of the others were naked underneath."

Amanda shrugged. "We looked fabulous, but after we each shared our life force energy with Vivian, it was time to disrobe, and before you all think that I was being eccentric or silly or just wanted to torment poor Syssi, I will have you know that nudity is a legit requirement of the Wiccan ritual. You can look it up if you don't believe me."

Syssi let out a sigh. "You made a very convincing argument back then, and I'm often reminded of it. It was about how we clothe ourselves in customs, ideology, and comforting illusions in our everyday lives. The naked body represents the truth, and by shedding our material and spiritual garments, we proclaim our loyalty to the truth."

"Nicely said." Sari nodded.

"That's how Amanda convinced me to participate," Syssi said. "That and the speech about how we are all perfect in our own way and have nothing to be ashamed of. When I agreed to shed my clothes, I became the fourteenth female in the circle that had been supposed to have only thirteen."

Kian shook his head. "You are a bad influence, Amanda."

He'd heard the story before, probably more than once, so he was saying that to tease her. Fine, she could play his game.

She gave him a haughty look. "I beg to differ. I think that I'm a wonderful influence. All the women who participated in that ritual felt energized and empowered by it, and Vivian no longer thought that she was cursed. It was a win-win for everyone involved."