"I'm calling Frankie. I want to ask her to find Jasmine and bring her up here."
His frown deepened, concern etching lines into his handsome face. "You should be resting. In fact, you should be in bed."
Margo waved off his concern with a smile. "I feel great, Negal. Better than I have in days. And it's all thanks to you."
He tensed, his eyes widening slightly. "Why me?"
She laughed, reaching out to pat his arm. "Your godly mojo, of course. I wouldn't be transitioning with such ease if I’d been induced by a mere immortal's diluted venom. Yours is a miracle drug."
Negal shifted uncomfortably, looking like he wanted to say something but thought better of it. "Still," he said after a moment, "hosting a party might be pushing it. You don't want to overtax yourself."
"It's not a party," Margo said. "It's just a little get-together, Jasmine, Frankie, and maybe Mia if she's free. Does it really matter if I'm on the couch watching television or talking to my friends? One does not require more energy expenditure than the other."
He looked like he wanted to argue but then nodded. "Fine, but you are staying on the couch. I'll make them coffee or tea or whatever you want to serve them. Deal?"
"Deal." Margo smiled as she pressed the star next to Frankie's number.
"What's up, Margo?" Frankie asked. "Did you change your mind about lunch? Dagor and I are on our way out, but we can stop by the kitchen and bring two packed lunches for you and Negal."
"Thanks, but we are fine, food-wise that is. I need to ask you for a favor."
"Anything," Frankie said. "Are you feeling better? Do you want me to sneak you out to the Lido deck while Dagor distracts Negal?"
Margo laughed. "I might take you up on that offer tomorrow. Today, I was hoping you could go down to the staff lounge and tell Jasmine that Kian cleared her for the upper decks and bring her here. As you know, she doesn't have a phone, so someone has to go get her, and Negal won't let me off the couch."
"No problem," Frankie said. "Dagor and I are heading down there right now. See you soon."
"I love my friends," she murmured as she called Mia.
The phone rang a few times before her friend picked up, sounding slightly out of breath. "Hey, Margo, is everything okay?"
"Everything's great. Are you busy?"
"No, not really. I was just doing a little exercising."
Trying to imagine her wheelchair-bound friend doing sit-ups or push-ups, Margo frowned. "Lifting weights?"
Mia chuckled. "Lifting one weight. Me. I brace my arms on the armrests and lift myself off the chair. It's like push-ups in reverse, if that makes sense."
"That sounds difficult. How are your feet coming along? You keep hiding them, so I don't know if you are growing toes already or not."
"I am. Bridget says they will be complete in no more than two weeks. I can't wait to walk again."
"I can imagine." Margo sighed. "I want to celebrate your first steps on your own two feet with you, but I probably won't be there." She shifted her gaze to Negal. "I'm progressing so fast through my transition that Aru won't need to ask their commander for a few more days before they head to Tibet. I will be fine to join them."
Smiling, Negal sent her an air kiss.
"I'll pray that you do, and if you have to miss my first steps on my brand new feet, I'll have Toven film it, and you can watch it live."
"That's an awesome idea. You do that."
"I will, but enough about me. How are you doing?"
"Great, and that's why I'm calling. I was wondering if you wanted to come over for a bit. Kian approved Jasmine to be on the upper decks now, and Frankie is bringing her up to our cabin. I thought we could all hang out together. I mean, as long as it doesn't interfere with your bridesmaid duties."
"Mey didn't invite me, so I don't have any. I don't really know her all that well. I'd love to come over."
"Awesome. See you soon." Margo ended the call and tossed her phone aside. "I'm so excited that Jasmine is coming." She opened her arms. "Come give me a hug."