Page 108 of Fangs and Fudge

“Is he okay?” I asked.

“Yes. I’ve compelled him so he wouldn’t attempt to do anything that’ll put him in any further danger. He won’t remember this conversation either.” Cross looked around the dark street. “Perhaps we shouldn’t linger any longer, though.”

We piled into the car. Rather than making all the guys squeeze into the back, Vena and I let Shepard and Cross have the front, and we sandwiched Miles into the backseat between us.

“Where should I drop you off?” Shepard asked Cross when we neared the exit.

“As soon as you exit the highway. I’ll go to Everly’s house and watch for movement there.”

Shepard nodded. “I’ll let my guys know.”

“Don’t bother. They haven’t spotted me yet,” Cross said with a smirk.

When Shepard stopped the car, Cross got out and opened my door.

“No reason to sit crowded in the back,” he said, offering his hand.

The moment my fingers touched his, he pulled me into his arms. I tipped my head back to look up at his, and the sexy smile he flashed melted my insides.

“Until tomorrow,” he said a moment before he brushed his lips against mine.

Shepard swore. Vena laughed. I struggled to maintain rational thought.

Then his lips were gone, and he gently guided me into the front seat and buckled me in.

Shepard’s knuckles were white on the steering wheel as he pulled away from the curb. He managed not to say anything for a full minute. When he did speak, it wasn’t what I’d expected.

“Are you okay, Everly?”

“Okay?” I echoed, looking at Shepard.

He glanced at me, his gaze sweeping my face.

“You didn’t exactly have a say in whether or not you wanted that kiss.”

I faced forward and looked out the windshield, trying to decide how to answer. While I hadn’t instigated it or asked for it, I hadn’t hated it. Cross was handsome, considerate, witty, and if it were Vena compiling his list of attributes, well-endowed both physically and financially.

“Sometimes a girl likes not being asked,” Vena said from the backseat. “A take charge kind of moment can be hot. But the keyword is a moment. Guys who are all take charge and never stop to listen to how the woman feels is a big turn-off.”

I could feel Shepard glance at me again.

“Are you really worried about how I feel about that kiss, or are you maybe looking for another reason to not like Cross?” I asked.

Shepard gave a slight shake of his head but never answered the question.

After a couple of minutes of strained silence, I asked, “Can we stop at home so Vena and I can pack for the night?”

“No need,” Shepard said. “I’ll provide everything you need.”

I heard a smothered giggle from the backseat, and I knew I’d hear about this from Vena later.

Shepard didn’t say anything else until we reached his home.

He pulled to the front door and escorted us inside. A middle-aged woman met him in the entryway. She had dark hair pulled into a low, functional ponytail, and she had a soft, motherly look to her. She took in the state of Shepard’s clothes and then glanced at us.

“Lisa, this is Everly, Vena, and Miles. They’re going to stay the night.”

“Don’t worry about a thing, Shepard. I’ll take care of them,” she said. “Why don’t you clean up? Looks like you’ve been hunting vampires again.”