Page 107 of Fangs and Fudge

“Everly is an adult who can make her own decisions,” Vena said, sticking up for me. “And a hotel sounds nice. Everly’s had a rough few weeks.”

I knew it had nothing to do with me and everything to do with Vena wanting a massage, and I fought not to shake my head at her.

“Between seeing her best friend get pampered with her at the hotel’s spa under my care or watching her get mauled by the mutts you can’t control, which do you think she would choose?” Cross asked.

Shepard’s arm shot to Cross’ throat, but Cross sidestepped and swatted Shepard’s butt in the same spot as the welt had been.

“Come now. Let’s not quarrel in front of the ladies,” Cross said.

“Now we’re ladies?” Vena asked me. “Thought we were hookers.”

Shepard growled at Cross before stepping closer to me. “Everly, we both know it’s smarter to keep Vena close to her brother so she doesn’t talk you into something you might regret.”

“Vena’s right here,” Vena said, scowling at Shepard.

I felt like I was watching a weird comedy routine. And I didn’t hate it. Even though Shepard sounded annoyed, he was still talking to Cross, and I could see how much Cross was enjoying the interaction.

“As tempting as some spa time sounds, I think Shepard is right and we should stick with Miles. Considering how Miles is acting, the safest place for him is with Shepard’s people. But that will only work if MC stays away from Vena so she doesn’t try to stab him.”

The humor left Cross’ expression as he looked at Shepard.

“Do you swear your people will accept their presence?” Cross asked. “Don’t pretend you didn’t notice how your lackey looks at Everly. He is as dismissive of her due to her association with me as he is dismissive of you.”

“I’ll deal with MC,” Shepard said, pulling out his phone and calling MC on speaker.

“What now?” MC answered.

“I need you to find somewhere else to stay tonight.”

“Already arranged.”

Shepard scowled at the phone. “I told you to go home, and you’re going somewhere else?”

“Home is California. My temporary home is mine to decide.”

“I expect you to follow orders MC, not twist my words to suit your mood.”

“What does it matter? You wanted me gone anyway. But I am curious why I’m good enough to order around but suddenly not good enough to stay in your home.

“My guess is that, after tonight’s latest failed attempt to get the vampire population under control, you want the girls tucked into your bed where you can rut over them. Vena deserves better. Consider this my official challenge for alpha. I’m over your bullshit orders.”

Shepard’s chuckle surprised me.

“You think I’m kidding?” MC asked over the speaker. “Our laws are clear. If you’re challenged, you must respect the challenge or forfeit your right to lead.”

“It’s your funeral,” Shepard said. “Tomorrow night after Blur closes. I’ll text you the location.”

“I’ll be waiting for it.”

The call ended, and I met Shepard's gaze.

“We can just stay with Cross,” I said.

“That won’t undo the challenge. Once it’s made, it needs to be honored,” Shepard said. He looked at Cross. “Are you willing to help keep an eye on things here tomorrow since all of my people will be preoccupied with the challenge?”

“Let me know where to be, and I’ll be there,” Cross said.

Since leaving the vampire house, Miles had stood woodenly at Cross’ side.