Page 109 of Fangs and Fudge

“Put the girls in the suite, and bring them something to eat,” he said before she shooed him away. As he walked off, he added, “Use the same protocol for Miles as we’ve used with Sierra.”

After he left, Lisa gave us a once over. “What did he get into this time?” she mumbled to herself. “Come along. I’ll get you squared away and fed in no time.”

Vena looked at the woman like she did at me anytime I mentioned food. It was pure love. Any hesitation about staying here was gone.

We followed her upstairs to the suite Shepard had mentioned. The room was broken into two sections with a living area and a small kitchenette.

She directed us to the first door off the living room. “You’ll find everything you need to shower and clean up in the bathroom. I’ll have someone bring you clothing and dinner straight away.”

I stepped through the door to find a large room furnished with a king-size bed and a small sitting area. A private patio looked out over the wooded park. To the back of the room was a master bathroom with a bathtub big enough to drown away stress.

Miles went to sit, but Lisa hurried him back to the door. “Let’s get you to your room to clean up as well.”

“He can stay here,” Vena said. “I’ll look after him.”

“Don’t worry about a thing,” Lisa said. “Get yourself situated, and you can visit him later.”

“Is that okay, Miles?” Vena asked.

Miles nodded emotionlessly and walked out after the woman. Vena frowned as she watched him leave.

“Go shower,” I said. “Miles will be fine. You know they took good care of Sierra even though she was mean to everyone.”

“I suppose. I just hate that he’s like this. We have to find the master, or Miles will be--”

I turned her toward the bathroom. “Go. Get cleaned up first so we can eat. Then we’ll think of a plan.”

She nodded and closed herself inside.

Before Vena finished her shower, a younger woman delivered two sets of pajamas and a change of clothes for us. She also let me know dinner was on the way.

Placing the clothes on the bed, I listened at the bathroom door. Normally, Vena showered quickly.

I knocked when I didn’t hear anything. “Vena, are you okay?”


I opened the door to find her standing in front of the sink. She was wrapped in a towel and furiously scrubbing her teeth and tongue with a toothbrush.

“I can’t get the feeling of his tongue out of my mouth!”

I had to turn away not to gag. The amount of foam coming out of her mouth was enough to wash a car.

“Pajamas are on the bed. Let me know when I can shower.”

“When all the feeling in my mouth dies.”

It was another two minutes before she emerged.

“Better?” I asked.

She shook her head. “Maybe after dinner. Or maybe once I find Anchor and can kiss him.”

Since I didn’t want her to wallow in doubt, I picked up pajamas and handed them to her. “Change and go watch TV. Dinner should be here soon.”

In the bathroom, I stripped down to my bra and underwear and attempted to turn on the shower. It should have been easy. However, there was a smart panel that regulated temperature and water flow. It even had options for music or nature sounds. The only thing I couldn’t find was how to turn the water on.

“I should be smart enough to work this stupid thing,” I muttered to myself as I poked the screen. The lights changed from a blue-white to a yellow-white and then to pink. I poked at it again.