“Darling, I just thought you should know who saved you from Hell that first time.” The words are said against my hair, pretending to be a whisper. “That was the only time he cleansed you, however. He’s had help since then.”
“Brother, please.” His tone is on the verge of begging. “Stop!”
In the distance, a door opens and closes and new voices can be heard. I can hear my son’s tiny giggles and for once it hurts my heart. “I think it’s time for a family reunion.”
Lucifer throws me to the ground in front of Rafe. He kneels before me, cradling my face in his hands. “I’m so sorry,” he whispers.
Why is he sorry? None of this is his fault.
Daemera and Rellick walk into the living room from the kitchen and freeze, taking in the commotion. Mera’s eyes instantly find Josie who is no doubt giving her a rundown through telepathy if their bond is anything like my mate bonds with the Sins.
I don’t focus on them, though. I focus on my son who is running straight for me.
It’s not my arms he throws himself into…
And it’s not my name that he yells out in surprise…
“Daddy! You’re here!”
39. Rafe
I squeeze my son against me in a tight hug. This is the first time I’ve ever held him in my arms in person. I see him in his dreams all the time, talking to him and teaching him what I can about who he is. I make sure he knows his job is to protect his mother.
Looking over Rellick’s head, I meet her confusion filled gaze. I’ve never met someone who needed healing more than Brianna did when I saw her at the campus bar all those years ago. She wasn’t on the approved list of people to be forgiven for their sins, but I couldn’t not help her.
She needed healing then, and she still needs healing now.
I hold him for a second longer, before whispering in his ear “Mommy needs help.” He turns to face Bree, his arm still around my shoulder.
A tear is falling down her cheek as her eyes move between the two of us. “What’s wrong, Mommy?” She shakes her head, inadvertently showing the bruises forming on her neck.
Rellick notices them at the same time I do, and he immediately reaches for Brianna. His tiny arms embrace her and it’s all it takes for the tears to flow free. He looks to me for permission and I give it.
He places a kiss against her cheek and healing white light glows against her skin, just like I taught him. The bruises that were already faint against her skin clear and Brianna gives a sigh of relief.
“Oh my!” My sister’s words are whispered in awe. “He’s an angel!”
“Look, Daddy! I did it! I kissed it better!” Rellick beams with pride, seeking praise from me.
“You sure did, bud! I am so proud of you.” I hold my hand up for a high-five, something he taught me, and instead get pulled into a group hug.
Our first as a complete family.
I bask in the warmth of my son, just happy that he is safe and sound. And that Brianna is taking such great care of him. Every night in Rellick’s dreams, I check on him. Making sure he’s okay and wanting for nothing. I wish I could spend more in-person time with him, but I am an angel. I cannot play favorites with humans.
That is only a half-truth… I didn’t want my siblings to know about Rellick. He’s the only child ever made from an angel and human pairing. I chose a favorite human the night I forgave Brianna. I granted her wish to have someone to love her forever. I gave her Rellick and in return, she raised my perfect son.
Father would never approve. I disobeyed a commandment. If he knew, I would be punished like Lucifer. Cast out of my only home.
I am nothing without my healing capabilities.
“Do you understand now, Darling?” Lucifer’s voice brings me back to reality. Thank God, only Jophiel was here to witness Rellick’s power. Power no one but me should have.
Brianna’s eyes flit through everyone in the room before landing on Lucifer. She shakes her head causing my brother to roll his eyes. “You’ve been healed.” When her face stays blank, he continues with attitude. “By your son.”
Her eyes shut tight, and she takes a deep breath, then turns to Rellick. “Did you save me, sweet boy?” He nods his head exaggeratedly, a bright smile from ear to ear. “Thank you.” She pulls him back into her arms, squeezing him tight.