Page 69 of Lady of Sin

His fingers tightened around my throat for a second, long enough to cut off the airway before releasing. “Your precious demons have each branded you, bonded with you.” I can feel the attitude on my face. He’s choking me because his brothers branded me? Seriously? “Not a surprise?” I give a miniscule shake of my head. “Do you know what being bonded means? It means that you now have the ability to use each of their powers. It means that you hold half of their essence inside you at all times. It means that you are more powerful than them.”

What? I only found out about the bonds today. A few hours ago. I haven’t thought anything of it since…

Maybe I should have. Is this why they never told me about it? They didn’t want me to know about the power? I don’t care about power! I care about them, and it feels like every time I forgive, I learn something new that upsets me. So many secrets, and for what?!

“Guess they also failed to mention that if they break that bond, you die. Perks of being a human.”

My body goes limp in his grasp. I would die if they took the bond away? I was branded that first night. I could have been dead if Belphegor decided he made a mistake. Who would take care of Rellick? I have no one. Only him.

“What do you want?” Defeated. That’s how I feel, once again. Asmodeus tried so hard to lift me up and a couple words from Lucifer is all it takes for me to fall again.

His thumb rubs against my pulse. “I just wanted you to know the truth about what they’ve done to you.”

Lucifer’s voice was meant to console but there was no hiding the mocking undertone. That is what gets my back tensing. He’s telling the truth. He’s Pride. He wouldn’t lie.

But he’s not saying everything.

“No. You wanted to humiliate me. You want my pride shattered,” I sneer. “Why? What do you get from it?” He stands there quietly. It’s unnerving, not knowing why anything is happening.

Rather than answer me, he changes the subject. “Do you want another truth? I know who has been cleansing you of your sins.”

Of all the subject changes, this is not what I thought it would be. “One of your brothers, I’m assuming, since it’s not Jophiel.”

Lucifer smiles at the mention of his sister, pride glowing in his eyes. “You know she’s my sister? Good. That makes this information a little easier.” He uses his other hand to push my hair behind my ear. “One of my brothers did cleanse you. Originally. Gave you the greatest gift, actually.” His irises turn completely gold for a second. “Where is Rellick? With my sister?”

I won’t answer him. He’s out of control right now. High on Pride. “Let’s just ask her, shall we?”

He spins me, pulling my back against his chest as a portal appears in the middle of the room. He forces me through it, not closing it until I can see the shield fall and my Sins run towards me.

None of them are quick enough.

The portal closes before they can reach me. “And because of our punishment, they can’t bother us.” I take in my surroundings, noticing I’m in a stylish living room.

“Big brother?” Lucifer and I both spin, his hold on my throat not wavering. Jophiel stands in a yellow sundress, rainbow hair flowing behind her. She takes in the two of us, her gaze focusing on his hand around my throat. “Samael! What are you doing? Let her go!” She runs towards us only to stop when I gasp for breath as Pride’s hand squeezes my neck. “What has gotten into you?!”

His hand loosens when Josie stops moving. “Where’s Rellick?” She looks at me, and I attempt to shake my head. Lucifer holds me in place. Please, no! I try to convey with my eyes that I don’t want Rellick out here. “No answer, dear sister?”

“Sammy… What’s going on?”

He ignores her. “Let’s call another sibling, shall we?” He drags me along so that he’s next to a wall filled with symbols. Placing his hand over one of them, he says a word I don’t understand.

The symbol glows white against his palm for a second before dying down again, back to normal.

“You rang?” Lucifer gives me a malicious smile as I freeze in place. I know that voice. I’ve imagined it in my head repeatedly for the last four years. Slowly, he slides behind me so that I can see who has just entered the room.

A man stands in front of Josie in a perfect white suit. His blond hair messy on his head, like he just ran his hands through it. “Hello, Raphael,” Lucifer calls out.

The man turns his head towards us, and my suspicions are confirmed. He looks exactly as I remember him. Perfect.

Raphael’s smile lights up at the sight of his brother, only to drop once he sees me. “Brianna?”

“Hello, Rafe.” He takes a step towards me, causing Lucifer to bring me back against his chest.

“What’s the meaning of this?” Rafe looks around the room frantically, relaxing a little when he doesn’t see what he seems to be looking for. “Let her go!”

“No.” Lucifer’s tone screams finality. “I think it’s time some of us told some secrets. Darling, meet Raphael. My brother.”

An angel. Rafe is an angel. Of course, he is. I knew he was too perfect. “Luc, let her go. Please.” He holds out his hand in a stop motion, as though that will help anything.