Page 71 of Lady of Sin

Our eyes meet over his head, and she gives me a shaky smile, mouthing the words “thank you” again.

“What a precious family.”

Oh no.

Slowly, I stand, turning towards the voice. As a unit, Jophiel and Lucifer move to stand on either side of me. We do our best to block any view of Brianna and Rellick.

This is exactly what I was afraid of.

Michael stands before all of us, arms crossed over his chest, playing into his role as eldest brother. His dark golden gaze: such a contrast to his dark brown skin, holds on each one of us before trying to see around us.

The three of us slide closer together, united. “Raph. We had a scheduled meeting ten minutes ago. You’re never late so I thought to come check on you.” He tries once again to see around us, growing suspicious when we don’t allow it. “Is everything alright?”

“Everything is fine.” Lucifer’s tone is filled with malice.

Michael’s gaze focuses on his twin. “Hello to you, too, Samael.” The stare down between the two of them seems to last a lifetime, though it really only lasts a few seconds. Eventually, Michael breaks his gaze away from Luc to focus on me. “Raphael, I must say, I expected more from you. Lucifer is an inch away from being a demon and your dear sister has mated herself to one. You are the healing grace of this world. You should not be among this riffraff.”

“They are my siblings,” I say simply. Lucifer may be the opposite of everything he was created to be, and Jophiel may have found a mate when we are not meant for one, but they are my family. Everyone in this room is my family. Father may have preached many things, but his first and foremost lesson was to love everyone. And while I have broken commandments, I have never not loved someone.

“They are trash not worthy of Heaven, anymore,” Michael growled out with disgust.

Jophiel steps forward, bringing the attention to herself. “But Brother.”

“No! I am your brother no longer.” His attention switches to Lucifer. “Just as I am no longer a twin.”

Lucifer scoffs as I stand here frozen. My family is breaking apart in front of my very eyes and I cannot heal it.

Rellick’s muffled voice brings me out of my reverie. I need Michael to leave. “There is a child present, Michael. Let’s discuss this somewhere else.”

With Jophiel’s movement, he now has a small view of Brianna and Rellick. I hold myself still as he takes them in. If I were to block his view again, he would grow more suspicious. “It’s the Sin’s whore and her bastard son. They’ve heard worse, I assure you.” He lets out a riotous laugh as though he hasn’t just insulted my son and his mother.

Rage, unlike anything I’ve ever felt before, fills my body. “What did you say?”

His laughter stops. “Raphael,” he tsks. “Don’t tell me you favor a whore…”

“If I did? Are you willing to lose another sibling?” I’ve never fought Michael on anything. He’s always been the big brother I look up to. The first son of God. The Highest Angel. The Head of Heaven in Father's absence.

I have no idea who stands before me now. He is not the Michael I know.

“You would choose these rebels? Over me?” Grabbing the lapel of my suit, he pulls me forward until we are nose to nose. “Think carefully before you answer.”

Small hands are on my leg, attempting to pull me away from Michael. “Leave my daddy alone!”

Everyone in the room freezes at Rellick’s emotional words. Then chaos ensues.

Michael reaches for Rellick, and both Lucifer and Brianna are too slow to catch him. I try to rip my screaming son from his arms, but Michael slides away from me. Ever the warrior.

“Daddy!” Rellick yells, kicking and screaming. “Mommy!” Brianna and I both lunge forward only for Michael to switch positions once again, pulling his flaming sword out of thin air and raising it towards us.

“What have you done, Raphael? You’ve fornicated with a whore and have created an abomination!”

Brianna is hysterical in Lucifer’s arms, attempting to break free while he is trying to calm her down.

A sword wielding supernatural has her son hostage. There is no calm.

“Michael,” I placate. “Put my son down. Please,” I beg.

He doesn’t move, holding Rellick against his chest with one arm and the flaming sword towards us in the other, keeping us from getting to close to him. “Father will hear of this.”