Page 46 of Honor Bound

Once the door clicks shut behind her, Ethan zeroes in on me. “My source says that your father and Kiernan both went missing late last night. Trevor took a helicopter to Brachha and was last seen entering Kiernan’s residence around 10:00 pm. No one has seen either of them since, and the helicopter is still on the helipad. Do you know where they would or could have gone, Ariella?”

“That depends. Do you think they were abducted, or disappeared of their own accord?”

“We think it was by choice. No one appeared to be under duress at any time. Not your father when he left Cothena, and not Kiernan when he permitted your father to enter his suite,” Ben states.

“I don’t know why my father met with Kiernan or where they would have gone. What I can tell you is that there is a secret passageway behind the large bookshelf in his bedroom. It leads to a tunnel that eventually opens up on the beach on the Southern shore. It’s a tiny opening but large enough for a grown man to squeeze through. If they disappeared on purpose, they would have left that way.”

“That’s quite helpful. Thank you, Ariella. It means they most likely left by boat,” Ben says and then leaves the meeting.

Ethan points his thumb over his shoulder toward Ben’s retreating back. “He’s going to have our guy check the docks for any missing boats, both in Brachha and Cothena. Although using a Brachhan boat would be easier, I suspect your father is smart enough to have had one of his own boats waiting under the guise of a fishing trip or charter. It would take longer to discover them missing if that’s the case.”

My shoulders relax a fraction once I accept the possibility that my father and Kiernan haven’t been abducted. “Ethan, if you had to make a guess where they might be headed, where would it be?”

He doesn’t get a chance to answer because everyone in the room shouts in unison. “HERE!”

Patrick starts barking orders, which his team immediately begins to carry out. Don, Patrick, and I continue to talk to Ethan.

“If they’re coming here, that means things are about to go sideways. Do you have any other information you can give us before that happens, Ethan?” Patrick asks.

“I have two more things to share. You can back brief the rest of the team when I’m through. One you won’t like and one you will. Since I don’t have a man on the inside in Brachha, I didn’t learn until early this morning that King Jordain Argos decided that now was the perfect time to go on a ‘hunting trip,’ if you know what I mean.” I guess that’s Ethan’s way of saying Jordain is coming here, or he’s already here.

Patrick pinches the bridge of his nose, trying to relieve the tension building up. It’s a habit of his that I noticed when we first met. “Jordain. Julietta. Trevor. Kiernan. It’s going to be one big happy reunion here at the ranch. If there is a squad from each royal guard, we are looking at a minimum attack force of at least 16 highly-trained personnel and four royals in the middle of it all. I have four team members and my parents.”

“Even with almost three-to-one odds, I’d always bet on you guys,” Ethan says. “So that was the part you wouldn’t like. Are you ready for the one you will?”

Patrick doesn’t say anything, so I step forward and stare at the screen. “Please let it be really good news.”

Ethan leans forward so his face is taking up the entire screen.

“You have help, and they’re on the way.”

Now, the only question that remains is whether or not they will get here in time.

Chapter twenty-three


Ariella’s eyes are wide with shock, and I can’t blame her. That was a lot of information to absorb in such a small amount of time. As soon as I extend my arms, she accepts the invitation and steps into my embrace. I pull her close to me and whisper, “It’s going to be okay,” repeatedly until I feel her breathing slow and her shoulders relax.

“I don’t understand why everyone is after Alex and me. I’d give up the royal life in a heartbeat if anyone dared to ask me what I wanted. I don’t care about poppy plants and power grabs, Patrick.

I have no desire to rule our country or for Alex to do it, either. I’d rather have him conquer public school in America while the three of us live in a four-bedroom house with a white picket fence. Is that so wrong?”

“Why a four-bedroom house?” I ask.

“Is that seriously what you got out of my rant?” she asks, laughing a little.

“Well, yeah. Why not a three-bedroom or five-bedroom house? Is it an arbitrary number, or is there a reason behind it?”

My dad slaps me on the back. “I know you’re smarter than that, Son. She’s implying she wants to make babies with you and have a family.” He heads off to help the rest of my team with their prepping, mumbling something about “raising a smart kid.”

“He’s not wrong, you know,” Ariella tells me. “I want at least two more kids with you and a chance for you to be there from the moment they’re born. I don’t want you to miss their first word or miss them taking their first step.”

“I approve! I want more grandbabies, especially if they are as wonderful as Alex!” Don yells from the other room.

“I second that,” shouts Charlie.

We both laugh, but I watch Ariella’s face fall. “I never meant for you to miss out on Alex’s firsts. I know I can’t change the past, but I can make sure I don’t make the same mistakes in the future.”