“You’re right. We can’t go back in time and have a do-over, but I’m on board with moving forward and living our best life together. I’m more than okay with having more kids and all that will entail.” I wink at her and enjoy watching her face flush, having the same thoughts as me.
“But Ari, I need you alive and safe to make that happen. I need you to promise me that the moment I tell you to take Alex with you to the panic room, you’ll do it without question.”
Ariella gently cups my cheek. “I’ll do whatever you need me to do, Patrick.”
“Wait here. I have something for you.” I grab a case from the safe and set it on the coffee table in the living room. It’s a handgun that’s been altered to handle a specific type of ammunition load out. I give her the belly band holster, the gun, and the nonlethal ammunition, explaining everything to her. “This weapon is to be used only when you are unsure if the person in front of you is a friend or foe.”
I’m super proud of Ariella as she runs through a function check of the gun without any assistance or prompting from me. When she holsters the weapon underneath her flowy top, she looks like a secret agent rather than a princess, and I can’t help but draw her close and kiss her as if her life depended on it. Right now, I feel like mine does, too.
My dad and the rest of the team walk back into the living room, catching us with our lips locked.
“How about waiting to make those two-point-five kids until we catch the bad guys?” Jerry asks, putting the camera feeds up on the screen.
Ignoring his comment, I ask, “Is there any activity?” I’m not one for waiting for the enemy to come to us. I prefer to be on the offensive and catch them off guard.
“No. It’s quiet—too quiet if you ask me,” he responds.
“I don’t like it. Sitting here and doing nothing feels wrong,” Jessie says, and I have to agree.
“Savannah, I need you outside where you can get eyes on our targets as they approach. Take the ATX with the Thor 4 thermal scope and add the suppressor for the nonlethal rounds. Have the Barret and standard ammo with you as a last resort. I want to capture them and get answers if we can.”
Jerry passes out all our communication devices. When he hands one to Savannah, he says, “I don’t know how long we will have comm capability. If there is a disruption, try to locate the source and take it out.”
She nods, puts in the earpiece, and grabs her weapon. We had been storing them in my father’s office since we didn’t want Alex around them without supervision.
“Ariella, it’s time to wake up Alex and head for the panic room,” I tell her. I can see that she wants to argue, but she doesn’t per her promise only minutes ago.
“I know what you’re thinking, Ari. You think there’s no reason to go down there since everything is quiet right now. But I don’t want to wait until things go nuclear before we get you to safety. Too many things can go wrong,” I explain.
“I understand.” She kisses my cheek before heading upstairs to wake Alex and my mom.
I face my dad, Jerry, and Jessie and say, “My gut says something is going down tonight. I don’t know what, but…”
Beep! Beep! Beep!
“We have a perimeter breach,” Jerry says, pulling up the feed. “It’s in Bravo four, the same place Jordain’s men breached the first time.”
Beep! Beep! Beep!
I stare at the picture Jerry put up on the screen. “That’s Charlie four. They’re coming in from the east, and it looks like they’re using the service road to access the woods on that side. Jessie, as soon as Alex and Ariella get down here, I need you to escort them to the panic room ASAP.
Once you’re back, we’ll go dark. Have your night vision devices on and ready,” I say.
Beep! Beep! Beep!
“Radio check!” I say over comms. I need to make sure everyone’s device is functioning.
“Alpha Three is in position. There are lights off in the distance, heading in our direction. I do not have a visual at this distance,” Savannah says.
“Alpha One, I have you loud and clear. Let me know when you have targets acquired.” I shake out my hands, the adrenaline coursing through my veins. I’ve always loved missions and action, but this is the first time I have so much at stake. I’m calm and composed on the outside but a total mess on the inside.
“Alpha Two, check,” Jessie says, standing beside me. She cycles her weapon, ensuring she has a round in the chamber. I do the same.
“Alpha Four, check.” Jerry gives me a thumbs-up.
“Papa Bear, check.”
My mom comes down the stairs with Ariella and Alex behind her. My dad walks over and gives them both an earpiece. Mom fiddles with her device but eventually gets it situated. Then, she helps Ariella do the same.