Page 45 of Honor Bound

“Ethan has been unable to reach you since you’re standing in what amounts to a Faraday cage. Since wireless signals don’t penetrate the walls and reach down here, he called Jerry. There’s been a development.”

“What’s happened?” Ariella asks hesitantly. I don’t blame her, especially since my dad is the bearer of bad news.

“Your father and Kiernan have gone missing.”

Chapter twenty-two


My knees nearly buckle when Don gives me the news that both my father and Kiernan are now missing. I immediately head for the exit to find out what’s happening as soon as possible. I’m a woman on a mission, walking through the main house with a determined stride and heading straight for the dining room area. It’s the place where I expect to find Jerry set up with his laptop, but when I get there, not a single person is in the room.

Savannah must hear us coming because she walks in and tells us everyone is waiting for us in the living room. I follow so close behind her that when she stops to turn around and say something to Patrick, I barrel into her, almost knocking us both over.

“It looks like someone is in a hurry,” she says, not upset in the slightest. She steps to the side so I can get past her and to my destination as quickly as possible.

I feel Patrick’s grip on my elbow, stopping me. “Please slow down, Ari. I know you’re worried and want to know what’s going on, but Ethan isn’t going to start his briefing without us. I can promise you that. It would be good for us all if we could get there in one piece. You practically bulldozed Savannah in your quest for information.”

While I’m not used to being scolded, even as gently as Patrick just managed to do, I must admit he’s right. Taking a few seconds to be courteous and kind isn’t going to change the outcome of the news that Ethan has to share with us.

Jerry speaks up, “Pat, my man. That’s almost as bad as telling a woman to calm down. I thought we went over this the other day?”

“It’s fine, Jerry. Patrick’s right. I owe Savannah an apology for tackling her like a linebacker in the hallway.”

“We’re good,” Savannah says, laughing. “It’s better that it was me and not Jessie. If you had done that to her, she would have reflexively flipped you over her back and dropped you to the floor. It wouldn’t have looked good for us if we were the ones that hurt the client.”

“Where is Jessie?” I ask.

“She’s checking on Charlie and Alex. They’ve been snuggled up together for the last hour,” Don says.

While we wait for Jessie to return, Jerry gets a live video conference on the TV screen. Ethan and Ben sit side by side while Amelia waves to us from behind them. I wave back.

“Is everyone there?” Ben asks gruffly.

Patrick answers for everyone. “Jessie should be here any minute. The rest of us are here, including my father.”

“Hi, Don! Give Charlie my love when you see her!” Amelia says excitedly. While I enjoy her bubbly personality, it was a bit unexpected for this meeting.

“Normally, my wife wouldn’t sit in on one of these calls, but she has a few things to say before we get started,” Ethan says, almost like he could read my mind.

“Patrick, I wanted to say congratulations to you and Ariella on your nuptials, even though I’m almost ten years too late! I wanted to let you know we have a wedding present for you two when you return. Actually, we have one for Alex, too.

“Oh, good, Jessie’s back! Now, I can share Carter’s news. Carter proposed to Leanna while they were on vacation, and she said, ‘Yes!’ I thought for sure that he would have proposed while they went rock climbing, but nope! He proposed while on a snorkeling excursion in Aruba. There was a barracuda that was particularly curious about the shiny diamond ring and decided to check it out. Thankfully, it didn’t attack. Leanna said she’s never swam so fast and barely made it out alive!”

“We’ll have to throw a party for them when we get back!” Savannah says enthusiastically.

Amelia claps her hands together excitedly. “It’s already in the works. I’m planning the details with Leanna’s family, the Arbaroas, to coordinate everything.”

I have no idea who Leanna or the Arbaroa family are, so this conversation makes little sense to me. Patrick leans down and whispers, “You met Carter at Shining Knight. He’s the Kit Harrington look-a-like. Do you remember the large family you saw Savannah and me with when you ran into us at Windham Mountain?”

“Yes,” I tell him, wishing I could forget. Although what I had witnessed wasn’t reality, it didn’t change my initial heartbreak at seeing him wearing matching wedding rings with Savannah.

“The large family is the Arbaroa family, and Leanna was the woman we were helping Carter protect. Leanna and Carter were best friends for years before they finally admitted their feelings for one another.”

I appreciate him explaining the relationship dynamics, but right now, all I want to know is what is going on with my father and Kiernan. I clear my throat loudly just as Jessie speaks up.

“I think Ariella might appreciate being brought up to speed about her father and Kiernan’s disappearance. I know I would if I were in her shoes.”

“That’s my cue to leave. You guys stay safe. Keep your heads down and your spirits high!” Amelia says, reciting the Shining Knight farewell.