Page 59 of Two/Face

There’s an uncomfortable silence filling the room, I look to Axe, Jimmy and Pam. They deflate, nodding at my comment.

“Why?” I ask. “What had him killed?”

“He was getting nervous; he had all his files removed from the apartment and we put them in storage like he requested. He had the cameras installed, changed to a pin code lock on the door instead of a key.”

“And he wouldn’t tell us why or what he was working on.” I clarify.

“That didn’t make sense, he’d never keep something from us.” Axe points out. “Not in all the time we’ve worked together.”

“Yeah but he was careful too, if he was suspicious of something he’d investigate it first before sharing with us.” Jimmy sips his drink, looking between us all.

“What did he ask you to remove from the apartment?” I ask.

Jimmy takes a moment, with the glass clasped between his hands. looking ahead before his eyes dart between us all.

“It was just personal documents, insurance documents for the clubs, ad hoc business statements and there was a camera.”

“We need to go though it; he may have hidden something amongst it all.”

“Fine, I’ll dig it out tomorrow.” Jimmy turns to me, his eyes narrow on mine. An overwhelming seriousness crosses his face. “You need to tell Summer the truth, Bhodi, all of it. We can handle the Daly stuff for now, but she deserves the truth. Even if it breaks her fucking heart, I trust her to keep the secret.”

All the hairs rise on my body, that vulnerable shudder I fucking hate so much, crawling all over me. The three pairs of eyes all look me, and Pam and Axe nod in subtle agreement.

Chapter Twenty-Seven


“How are you feeling?” I clutch onto Detective Strode’s hand as he smiles sweetly back to me.

“Well, if I’m honest. I look a little better than you.” We both laugh as I lean back in my chair.

I gesture to the gash on my cheek, which has tiny stitches holding it all together. I wince slightly as even smiling hurts, causing it to feel like it’s about to burst open.

“OW!” I continue to laugh.

“You know you didn’t have to come visit. You should head home and get some rest.”

I shake my head, not wanting to be alone in that apartment or to see anyone. Seeing Two/Face confirmed what I already knew: I have an undeniable pull toward him. I stood between the two men I care for and felt my heart crack.

It’s morbid, it’s wrong, but I can’t help it.

“Something on your mind, kid?” Detective Strode leans in.

I blink a couple of times before shaking my head.

“No, no…I’m fine.”

He quirks his brow towards me. He can see right through my small lie and I feel my shoulders drop, letting out a low breath.

“I thought Bhodi would be here that’s all.”

A small smile crosses the detective's face, causing the smile lines on his face to look more pronounced.

“Unfortunately, he can’t for now. He’ll have to give a statement about the shooting and what happened at the church. He can’t be seen speaking to you in case you’re seen to be getting your stories straight. It’s just procedure.”

“I know…”

“I can see how much he cares about you. Hell, I’d go even as far as to say he’s in love with you.”