Page 60 of Two/Face

My head snaps towards the detective, who merely smiles back at me. The softness in his eyes is inviting.

“I barely know him.”

“But you know enough for now, else you wouldn’t want him here.”

“I guess.” I blink a couple of times before speaking again. “Detective Strode?”

He laughs a little, waving his hand towards me.

“Summer, I think we’re past the formalities. Just call me Al.”

I smile at the kind gesture.

“Al…What do you know about Bhodi?”

“You mean personally?”


Al leans against his pillow, his eye flicker slightly as he stares ahead. I feel myself slowly lean closer when he wets his lips, as though he’s going to speak.

“That’s not for me to discuss with you Summer. I can’t.”

“Can’t or won’t?” I feel my voice crack slightly.

“Both Summer, some things need to come from the person it concerns.”

I try to understand his words, as though I’m trying to analyze the comment, but when I go to speak again, a knock at the door pulls our attention away.

When two patrol officers enter, Al politely greets them both.

“I guess your ride home is waiting, Summer.” He places his hand over mine and gives it a light squeeze. “Thanks for dropping in.”

Al’s eyes are kind, but I feel he’s trying to get rid of me.

Standing from the chair, I lean over and give him a light kiss on the cheek before a silent thank you in my smile as I leave.

Once I leave the hospital, the weather is bitter, and I feel my entire body shake with exhaustion and hunger. Sliding into the waiting police cruiser, I sag against the leather interior. Luckily, the officers are silent as I lean my elbow on the door and aimlessly stare out the window during the drive.

When the car pulls up onto the curb, I’m jolted awake, letting out a small gasp as my heavy eyes scan the area. The officer in the passenger seat turns around, and my mind catches up to where I am.

“Do you want us to escort you upstairs?” The young officer looks a little older than me. Her brown eyes are filled with kindness and warmth, instantly putting me back at ease.

“No, I’m ok thank you.”

Opening the door, I slide out. Glancing around the street, but it’s quiet currently. Rolling her window down, she passes me a card.

“That’s the precinct number if you need anything ok?”

I take the card and nod. “Thank you.”

Turning on my heels, I pick up the pace. Pushing the large glass door open, I stroll through the lobby, avoiding the night staff's gaze and head straight for the elevator. Pressing the button for my floor, the doors shut instantly. I allow my body to sag against the mirror momentarily, aimlessly staring up at the floor numbers as they climb towards home.

Once the door slides open, I find myself checking behind me as I punch in the code for the apartment. Once the door clicks open, I give it a hard shove before slamming it behind me. When my back presses into the solid wood, I allow my knees to give way and slide to the floor. Letting out a heavy sigh, my head falls back into the wood as my eyes become heavier.

That smell…

Slowly opening my eyes, I inhale again. Slowly rising to my feet, I pass the kitchen and drop my bag onto the breakfast bar. My heavy, tired feet drag along the wooden floor when I find myself standing in the living room's entrance.