Page 58 of Two/Face

“Has Harry been interviewed yet?” Jimmy leans in.

“No, he’s detoxing. He tried to tell the police two masked men were also at the church, but because of the drugs, no one believes him.”

“And Eric?”

“He didn’t see enough.”

“Something seemed off about him. He genuinely looked scared. Did we find out what Harry threatened him with?”

Looking at Jimmy, the realization hits me hard. Standing up, I begin pacing.

“Shit! The rapes!”

The group look at each other, confused by my outburst. Running from the house, I race towards my car. Unlocking it, I open the trunk and rummage through a box file. Once I’ve found what I need, I slam the trunk shut and lock it before rushing back up the stairs to the house.

Slapping the reports down on the table in front of everyone, Pam and Jimmy take one each before scanning their eyes over the statements. With his glasses balanced on the end of his nose, Jimmy peers over the rims.

“I hope these are copies.”

“I’m not a fucking boy scout Jimmy.”

Axe leans over Pam’s shoulder as they both scan the report.

“He’s been accused of rape?” Her brows shoot up.

“Twice.” Jimmy says, his eyes still roaming the words on the page, while he gently bites his thumb.

“See an issue with it though?” I ask, gesturing further up the page.

As Jimmy leans towards Pam and reads her report, his eyes dart back and forth between the two documents. His eyes flash to mine, a puzzled look on his face.

“Same M.O, same detective, same person accused, six months apart, both victims are illegal, and both disappeared without a trace.”

“Also, no proof and no DNA.” I point out.

“Was Eric even here in the city at the time?”

“No record of him being here in New York. He went to the local precinct in L.A. to make a statement, but nothing happened after that.” I shrug.

“You think he’s being set up?”

“I do, and I think Detective Daly is working with Luca, or maybe being forced to.”

“Because this all just seems far too convenient?”

“Exactly. Before he left the captain's office, he mentioned surveillance, too.”

“Yeah, I get it.” Pamelas looks between us all. “But why? If there’s no evidence Eric was even around to commit those crimes, why would he be worried about being framed?”

“What if someone set up those women, to be killed?” Axe asks.

“So, the story about rape was made up? But there were eventually murdered and disposed of?” Running a hand over my face, the connection doesn’t make sense to me.

“What if it’s all connected? Eric is accused or a crime, and all of a sudden, the victims conveniently disappear. Harry and Luca are seen together as soon as Harry lands in New York and then Eric contacts Summer, luring her out in the open for Harry, we all saw how distraught he was over what he was being forced to do, What if it’s all blackmail? With one person pulling the strings?” Jimmy speaks but he sounds uncertain, although something isn’t adding up.

Replaying his words over, it doesn’t make sense. It’s not impossible but it’s too messy.

“We need to go back to the very beginning.” I say, placing my glass down on the table. “Someone murdered Michael, shot him in his office.”