Page 55 of That One Touch

“I’ll follow you home.” He pulled her leotard up, until her breasts were covered again. Then he wrapped his arms around her, pulling her into a kiss that made her toes curl.

He’d done the right thing in stopping. They were grown ups, not little kids.

But when they got back to her place, it was on.



“I was thinking on the way home,” Cassie said as he followed her through her front door. She had the world’s smallest house, and he had to stoop to walk through the front door.

“That’s a dangerous thing to do,” Pres replied.

She turned and grinned at him. “We should lay down some ground rules. In case things get messed up.”

He blinked. He wasn’t expecting that. “What kind of ground rules?” And what kind of messed up? He’d been hard as he drove. The memory of her dance played over and over in his mind.

He’d never met anybody this flexible. This at one with their body. It was pretty much the hottest thing he’d ever seen.

“This thing,” she said, pulling her sweater off, revealing her leotard and tights beneath. “Whatever it is between us. I don’t want it to cause any problems for you or me.”

“How would it cause problems?” He couldn’t take his eyes off her ass as she leaned down to pull of her sneakers.

Cassie looked up, lifting a brow. “You’ve already gotten weird on me twice. And that was just from kissing and touching me.”

“You think I’m gonna get weird if we have sex?”

She bit down a smile. “I’d say it’s pretty much guaranteed. And that would be fine if you and I never saw each other again. But we play in the same band. I teach your daughter. We can’t walk through town without bumping into each other. So I need you to promise me it won’t get weird.”

“That I won’t get weird,” he corrected. There was a half smile on his lips because she wasn’t wrong. He knew he’d been an ass to her after they’d touched before. Mostly because he didn’t want to feel this way.

Pulled to her. Entranced by her. Every time he pictured her his dick got hard.

His shower had never seen so much damn activity.

She pulled her leotard down and his whole body went on high alert.

“What are you doing?” he asked.

“I need to take a shower. I’ve been working all day.” She rolled it down her thighs, followed by her tights.

She was naked. And he was staring at her, open mouthed.

Like he’d thought. Completely at one with her body.


“Have we finished with the ground rules?” he asked.

She turned and started walking up the stairs on her tiptoes, the movement making the cheeks of her ass jiggle. “Are you planning on being weird?”


“And you won’t treat me any differently when we’re singing together?”

He frowned. “You want me to treat you like you’re just a friend?” He needed to clarify what she was asking. But his mind was hazy. And a little bit distracted by the sight of her climbing the stairs naked.

He kicked his own shoes off and followed her.