Page 56 of That One Touch

“I want you to treat me like you would anybody else.” She’d reached the top. “And maybe this will help. The UST is stupidly distracting, right?”

“The UST?” he murmured. She was pulling her hair into a bun.

“Sexual tension. Maybe we both need to get it out of our bodies.” She reached for the door, pressing the handle down then stepped inside.

The bathroom. Of course.

“Sometimes that can cause problems,” he murmured. “Sometimes the sexual tension is what makes the band work.”

Her eyes widened. “You’re right. You can leave now.”


Cassie started to laugh. “I’m kidding. You just looked so serious again. If we’re doing this, can you at least crack a smile?”

“I can smile.”

“I know you can. But will you?”

He lifted the corner of his lips.

“Oh god, not like that.” She screwed up her nose. “I’ll tell you what. If you smile, I’ll get on my knees in the shower for you.”

He opened his mouth to answer, but she was already reaching in and turning on the spray. The shower was small, barely big enough to fit them both.

It’d be cozy though. Very. Damn. Cozy.

“Are you coming in?” she asked, stepping into the steaming spray.

“Yes I’m fucking coming in.”

“Then get undressed.”

His eyes caught hers. It was weird how much he liked her teasing. It made things easier. Made him not think so much.

Made him want to show her who was the damn boss around here.

He pulled his t-shirt off and it was his turn to smile because she was staring at his chest, her throat undulating as she swallowed.

Then he flicked the button of his jeans, pulling the zipper down, climbing out of them until they were a pile of blue on the floor. His socks were next, and then his shorts.

His dick slapped against his stomach. She ran the tip of her tongue over her bottom lip, her gaze dipping, her eyes widening.

“You could hurt somebody with that,” she told him.

“That’s the plan.” It wasn’t. But it got a smile out of her.

And he liked that too much.

Her eyes flashed. “Come here and prove it.”

He lifted a brow and walked toward the shower, stepping around the glass barrier to where she was standing, naked and wet.

He pulled her to him until their bodies touched. And fuck, she felt perfect. His dick twitched in approval as his lips lazily captured hers, their tongues sliding, their fingers caressing.

Learning each other’s bodies. Each other’s tells.

He kissed the skin beneath her ear and she gasped. Moved his lips lower to where her neck met her shoulder and she shivered.