Page 54 of That One Touch

He let out a groan and pushed the neck of her leotard down, exposing her breast to the air, the coolness of it making it harder still. This time when he licked her sensitive skin she let out a long, low moan.

Every part of her was on fire. And they were both still fully clothed.

He kissed her jaw, her cheek, her lips again, pushing the leotard down her arms, exposing all of her chest to him. His eyes roamed over her, taking her in.

“So fucking beautiful.”

And she felt it. Because he meant it.

She leaned forward to press her lips to his neck. Where the curl of a black tattoo was emerging from his t-shirt. Her breath was fast, her heartbeat faster, as she moved her hands down his t-shirt, feeling the hard planes of his chest. Her fingers stole beneath the fabric, until she was touching his stomach and he groaned out loud.

He groaned even louder when her fingertips grazed his nipple. “Cassie…”

“What?” she asked breathlessly.

“You okay with this?”

She wanted to laugh. Couldn’t he feel how okay she was? Couldn’t he tell from the way she was flushed and breathless? Her senses were full of him. She could feel the tautness of his thigh muscles beneath her. Smell the warm pine of his soap on his neck.

And yeah, the thickness of him was obvious. She was doing everything that she could not to squirm against him.

But she was fighting a losing battle.

“It’s more than okay.”

His hands cupped her waist, and he tipped her back, until she was arching again, her breasts exposed to his heated stare. He lowered his head until she could feel the warmth of his breath against her skin.

Then he captured her nipple with his mouth, sucking her in, making her gasp.

He knew how to hold her so she wouldn’t fall. Those large, rough hands of his came in super handy as a backrest. And as he licked and teased and scraped his own teeth against her, she found herself squirming again.

So needy, so turned on.

“Come home with me.”

She blinked at his voice. “What?” He was still stroking her breasts, plucking her nipple between his fingertips. Pain and pleasure rushed through her, making her feel heady.

“I’m not having sex in here. This is where my kid learns to dance.”

She started to laugh. She couldn’t help it. Mostly because he was right. This couldn’t happen, not here, not now. It was one thing to get a little handsy with him, another to go full blown porn star.

“You’re right,” she said, her eyes meeting his. “You can’t.”

“So come home with me,” he said again.

“What about Delilah?”

“She’s at a sleepover.”

Oh. That flush was showing no signs of disappearing from her face or her skin. “All night?”

“Yeah, all night.”

She took a long breath. “Okay then. But you can come to my house.”

He tipped his head, as though scrutinizing her. “You prefer your place to mine?”

She shrugged. “It’ll be easier to kick you out in the morning.”