Page 91 of The Spectre

“That’s funny. My memory must be failing me because I don’t recall giving you any orders. And least of all, the order to kill me and my family,” she states.

What the actual fuck?

Scott gasps beside me, probably in the same state as I am.

Is she?



And then it hits me. Her middle name. Kore, also known as Persephone. The Queen of the Underworld.

Chapter 25


Seeing the shock on his face is priceless. I don’t dare to look at Aidan and Scott, but I know Jonas freed them from their ropes. I just hope that if anything happens, they will take Bailey and get out of here.

Who am I kidding? Of course they won’t.

I focus on Fusco. “Now, the question is, who is assuming my identity and giving you orders?” I move dramatically before stopping. “Oh, but wait. I know who. Do you want to know?” I ask Fusco.

I can see the sweat dripping down his neck. He’s not sure if he should believe me or not.

“Stop playing around, little girl.” His hand tightens on his Glock, ready to shoot.

“I’m not playing,” I say nonchalantly with a shrug.

“Everyone knows that Kore is a man.”

“Is that so?” I ask. “Well, if you believe that, then you’re not very smart, are you? But we already established that, didn’t we? Do you know what Kore means?” No answer, so I keep talking. “Kore is another name for Persephone.” Seriously? No culture at all. “Persephone is also known as the Queen of the Underworld. But I’m not here to give you a lesson in Greek mythology. Anywaaaay.” I move closer. “What was I saying? Oh, aye. I find it fascinating that you had the answer under your nose this whole time, and you never figured out you were being played like a pawn. Since we both know you aren’t smart enough to figure it out on your own, I’ll save you some time.” People start to shuffle around uncomfortably, confused about what is true or not. “Preston.”

“What do you mean ‘Preston’?” asks Fusco.

“I find it a bit difficult to have a discussion with you. Is this too hard for you to comprehend?” Giggles echo through my earpiece. With a mischievous grin, I walk closer to him. “Preston,” I say again. “He’s the one pretending to be Kore.” Turning my gaze to the masked man, I walk forwards, stopping a few feet from him, standing next to Riccardo now. “Isn’t that right, Senior?” I hear gasps around me, mainly from Cal, Ade, and Scott. I can’t blame them. They thought for years that Caleb Preston Senior was dead. My investigation has been a rollercoaster, but Senior started to get sloppy in his attempt to take my identity as Kore and made himself more traceable in the process. He made a fatal mistake once, revealing his face and thinking that no one was there. Unfortunately for him, by that time, Jonas had already infiltrated their ranks and saw him crystal clear. “Care to remove your mask now?”

When he does, I hear Cal’s curses filling the room. “You got me, little girl,” Senior spits back at me. “Fusco was right. You’re too smart.”

“I know,” I answer. “ Welcome back from the dead.”

“Ares,” Senior calls to his son. Cal looks at him with astonished eyes. I don’t blame him. He is the one who pulled the trigger on his father over a decade ago when he learned that Senior was trafficking young women. It's not for nothing that The Twelve Olympians started to call him Ares. God of War. And it was pretty fitting knowing that Senior called himself Zeus. Laughable. “Good to see you, son.”

“I’m afraid the feeling's not mutual,” says Caleb through gritted teeth.

A grin spreads over my face. “Now that the family reunion is over, why would you usurp my identity? Don’t answer that. I know why. Your son destroyed your legacy, yada yada yada. What is funny is that you thought you’d be able to kill us and take back your legacy, as you call it.”

“Oh, but I will.” I stop him with my hand before he can say anymore.

“No, you won’t. Do you want to know why? Because this time, I’ll make sure you die. And for good. It’s because of people like you that your granddaughter died. But of course, you’re so sick that you would’ve been the first to sell her for a few bucks. And it has been through your order that my sister has been kidnapped. That reason alone is your death sentence.”

Before Fusco has time to order his son to kill me, Shaan already has his gun pointed towards my head, which makes my smile even bigger.

“Calm down, puppy, before you hurt yourself with that thing,” I say, “That wouldn’t be a smart move on your part.” I see Aidan ready to jump, with Jonas trying to restrain him.

“You’re the one with a gun pointed at your head, and you think you’re in a position to speak?” he says.

My responding laugh is a thunderous, mischievous roar. “Oh, but honey. You’re the one with a target on your chest, pointed directly–” I tap him highly right above his heart, “there. Any movement from you, and you’re dead.” With that, everyone looks as a red dot appears on his chest. “That’s it. Now you get it.” I smile sweetly.